Blair: How do you know?
Chuck: Because you believe in me.

Serena: Blair, wait. Why are you so mad?
Blair: Why am I mad? You mean, why aren't I furious?! I can't believe for one second I thought that it would be different this time.
Serena: You thought what would be different?
Blair: You couldn't deal with the spotlight shining on me for once, could you?
Serena: What are you talking about? I was told that we were doing this together. What, did you not get my message?
Blair: What about this morning then? When you glanced at the call sheet, did you see my name on it? When I wasn't in hair and make-up, didn't that seem strange? When the dressing room only had your name on it, what, did you think they just forgot?
Serena: I was told that you were running late, and they asked me to do some test shots first. Blair, they told me you wanted me here.
Blair: And you believed them?
Serena: Look, Blair, I encouraged you to do this. Why would I try to steal something from you that I pushed you to do?
Blair: Because you take everything from me! Nate, my mom!
Serena: Blair!
Blair: You can't even help it. It's who you are. I just thought that maybe this time it would be different. I should have known I'd be wrong

Blair: Thank you, Father. That was very good advice.... You don't grant birthday wishes, do you?
Priest: I'm a priest, not a genie.
Blair: Well, the next time you talk to Him, could you ask Him to send my boyfriend back to me?

(to Dan) The Ladies Room? I knew you and Serena were having problems, but I had no clue they were anatomical.

Georgina: You're overreacting. The roommate thing is just a coincidence. My parents said it was either Bible camp or college, so ... go Bobcats!
Blair: So you're not in love with Jesus anymore.
Georgina: I still hold Him in my heart, but Jesus and I have redefined our relationship.
Blair: You mean he dumped you because He found out you were Satan!

Chuck: You can't outbid me. How do you expect to win?
Blair: Your lack of focus.

Serena: It was just so easy in Paris.
Blair: You were just so easy in Paris.

Serena: I still miss Dan sometimes... more than sometimes.
Blair: The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey... is mourning Dan Humphrey.

Chuck: I thought you might like to meet my friend.
Blair: Why, so she can warn me bout the effects of too much botox?
Catherine: Blair, is it? I'm Duchess Beaton.
Blair: [flabbergasted] Duchess? Nice to meet you.

Dan: So he just got up and left, abruptly?
Blair: Like a Bass out of hell.

Serena: He was probably thinking about you the whole time he was in Thailand.
Blair: Not unless I was a Thai hooker named Bo.

[to Serena] What are you, exactly, an 18-year-old blonde coincidence? Call me in six months when he meets his next coincidence. That is, if he even leaves his wife, which I highly doubt.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.