Julian: [points at Harry] Grodd the gorilla is talking through Wells? That's a thing?
Cisco: Yeah. It sort of trips you out at first, but trust me. You get used to it.

Welcome to the jungle, baby.

Wally: He's Harry's replacement.
H.R.: Some would say improvement.
Cisco: Um, this is Harry's daughter.
H.R.: Yeah.
Cisco: He's been kidnapped.
H.R.: I didn't know. I'm so sorry.
Jesse: Sorry about that.
H.R.: I'm sorry, too. Sorry I took the smile from your face.

H.R. and I just came up with a way to track Yorkin. And it's crazy. Like...defies time and space crazy.

H.R.: You don't even like me. Why would you risk your life for me?
Cisco: You heard Barry. It's what we do around here.
H.R.: Come on. Why?
Cisco: You're not like the other Wellses.
H.R.: So you keep reminding me.
Cisco: No, I mean those two, they were geniuses. We depended on them. But with you, the roles are reversed. You depend on us. Harrison Wells was always there for me. So I just...I want to be there for Harrison Wells.

Caitlin: Are you asking her on a date?
H.R.: Are you kidding me?
Cisco: I am negotiating.

Barry: I can't lose her, Cisco. Please tell me you found a way to change the future.
Cisco: We found a way to change the future.
Barry: Did you really?
Cisco: No.

Julian: Surely all your adventures are not this disorganized.
Cisco: [with a British accent] There's a method to the madness, mate. Watch and learn.

Iris: Guys, my future isn't the only one we need to change.
Barry: These headlines. They tell us what happens in the future where Caitlin becomes Killer Frost and Iris dies.
Caitlin: If we can change the headlines, that means we can change the future.
Cisco: That's right. Challenge accepted.

I'm sorry...did you make a hologram of me?

HR: Wallace, BA. You're supposed to be dressed for the museum opening.
Wally: We're speedsters. We have time.
HR: Nobody likes a bragger.
Cisco: Yeah, but we were actually talking about something important before you showed up.
HR: You..okay...you clean up well.
Cisco: Thank you.
HR: I like the way you dress.

Hang on, McFly. I'm about to vibe you back to the future.

The Flash Quotes

Cisco: How's it fit?
Barry: It's a little snug.
Cisco: Well, at least you'll be moving so fast no one will see you.

Can I keep the sweatshirt?
