Cisco: You expecting trouble?
Joe: Cops always expect trouble. In this city, I expect super evil flying monsters.
Cisco: That's a solid expectation. [Joe laughs]

Ronnie, I love you but this is a time machine not a book case from Ikea.

Lisa: How come you haven't given me a code name. I heard you came up with Captain Cold. What do you think I should be called?
Cisco: Female Inmate.
Lisa: Aw, come on. You made my gun, the least you can do is give me a badass alias. Please?
Cisco: Fine. Golden Glider.
Lisa: Smart is sexy, Cisco.

Really not enjoying being one of the good guys this week. Really not!

Lisa: Hey Cisco.
Cisco: Oh hey Captain Cold's evil sister.

Joe: Cisco, what'd you bring that orange soda for?
Cisco: Whenever something happens with the Reverse Flash, liquid floats in the air. You know, Barry's fish tank , Wells' champagne, Lance's coffee, remember that? If this does the same thing, we'll know that Wells is in there.

If I hadn't seen Jurassic Park, I wouldn't be nearly as frightened right now.

Cisco: Huh. Wading through miles of rats, roaches and human excrement? Count me out. [Joe glares at him] Count me in.
Joe: It's your monkey.

Laurel: Cisco, I know Barry's The Flash and Oliver's the Arrow.
Cisco: [laughs uncomfortably] HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?
Laurel: Because. I'm the Black Canary.
Cisco: Stop.
Laurel: It's true.
Cisco: You stop it right now. No! [laughs hysterically]
Laurel: Calm down.
Cisco: you. I mean, I love the way that you beat up criminals and...wait. Why are you telling me this?

Cisco: I've been having these dreams. Mostly at night, but sometimes during the day. But they don't really feel like dreams. They feel real.
Barry: What happens in the dream?
Cisco: Dr. Wells is the Reverse Flash and...he kills me.

Harrison: What exactly are we waiting for, Ms. Smoak?
Felicity: [points to the sky] That there!
Caitlin: Is that a bird?
Cisco: It's a plane...
Felicity: It's my boyfriend
Ray: Hi! [waves] I'm Ray.

Bees. Why did it have to be bees? Y'all I don't do bees, ain't nobody got time for bees!

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
