Laurel: If anything happens with Nyssa, let me handle it on my own.
Diggle: Laurel, we're talking about the League of Assassins.
Laurel: I know that. I just...Oliver. You were closer to him than any two people I have ever known. You shouldn't have to...
Diggle: Fight him? Kill him? It's not going to come to that. Look, I'm with Felicity. There is nothing that Ra's al Ghul can do that can turn Oliver against the people he loves.

Diggle: There's only one thing left of him now.
Laurel: And what's that?
Diggle: Us.
Thea: Gone but not forgotten.

Felicity: I can't believe he's gonna marry her.
Malcolm: You should worry more about getting out of here alive.
Ray: Is that even a remote possibility?
Laurel: Oliver would never let that happen.
Diggle: He let this happen.

Laurel: We need the Arrow.
Oliver: The Arrow's dead.
Laurel: We're hoping that's not the case. We're hoping that you can't change who you are in your bones.

Oliver: He left behind evidence.
Diggle: Fingerprints.
Laurel: How'd you get the owner to part with his windshield?
Oliver: I bought his truck. It's one of the benefits of your girlfriend inheriting a multi-billion dollar conglomerate. We have money now.

Diggle: I would think you. of all people, would understand keeping secrets when it comes to the death of a sibling.
Laurel: I do. And because I do, I can tell you carrying a burden like that never ends in any way but bad.

Laurel: What did Thea think you weren't wearing?
Felicity: I have no idea.

New frequency, same cry.

Lance: Sara's my daughter.
Laurel: Then why did I find you with a gun pointed at her head?

Oliver: Why didn't you come to me with this?
Laurel: Come to you with what? Your expertise with magical resurrection or that judgmental look on your face?

So why didn't you tell me about Thea seven months ago? Because you don't see me as an equal.

I'm sorry about what happened to Thea. I really am. I love your family, I always have. I just wish that sometimes you would give a damn about mine.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
