If you don't mind, my friends just had a baby so there's another slimy little human who needs my attention.

Felicity: You don't really think you're afraid of yourself, do you?
Oliver: I think I'm afraid of what will happen if I let myself become Oliver Queen.

I've already seen you shirtless. Multiple times. Shirtless. All the time.

Oliver: Would you like to go out to dinner with me?
Felicity: I'm being serious here, Oliver.
Oliver: So am I.
Felicity: I don't want to read too much into this, but are you asking me out on a date, like an actual date, like a date, date?
Oliver: Sure, I mean, usually the implication being with dinner...
Felicity: Usually I'm the one talking in sentence fragments.
Oliver: Would you like to go to dinner with me?
Felicity: Yes.

Felicity: Well, you did it.
Oliver: I had help.
Felicity: Yeah. It was really smart, the way you outfoxed him. Talk about unthinkable. You and me, I mean. When you told me you loved me, you had me fooled. For a second, I thought that maybe you might have meant it, what you said. You, you really sold it.
Oliver: We both did.
Felicity: Let's go home.

Oliver: You need to stay here.
Felicity: You can't just ask me to stay here.
Oliver: I'm not asking. I will come and get you when this is all over.
Felicity: No!
Oliver: Felicityyyy...
Felicity: Not unless you tell me why!
Oliver: Because I need you to be safe.
Felicity: But I don't want to be safe. I wanna be with you and the others. Unsafe.
Oliver: I can't let that happen.
Felicity: Oliver, you're not making any sense.
Oliver: Slade took Laurel because he wants to kill the woman I love.
Felicity: I know, so?
Oliver: So he took the wrong woman.
Felicity: Oh.
Oliver: I love you. Do you understand?
Felicity: Yes.

Lance: You've killed before. Tonight I suggest you get back in the habit.
Felicity: He's wrong.
Oliver: He's right.

Gee Sara, you could have called before you invited ... seven assassins into our lair.

I'm just saying, if you guys don't come back alive I'm gonna be really pissed.

Felicity: You honor the dead by fighting. And you are not done fighting! Malcolm Merlyn, The Count, The Clock King, The Triad, everyone who has tried to hurt this city -- you stopped them. And you will stop Slade.
Oliver: I don't know how.
Felicity: Neither do I, but I do know two things: You are not alone and I believe in you.

Ravager: Do you want to save me some time and energy and tell me where I can find Felicity Smoak? I have been aching to put a bullet in her smug little face ever since the day...
Felicity: Oh. I really thought the air bags were gonna go off.

I don't even know why I'm crying. I didn't even like Moira. Terrible thing to say about someone after they just died. In my defense, she was not nice. She was diabolical. Not a word you often hear at someone's funeral.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
