Jenny: Everyone gets egged on Halloween.
Eric: You didn't.

Jenny: Eric, Constance is gonna be so great now! No more hierarchy, no more mean girls. They won't copy how the queen dresses. It's going to be a new era of sunlight and fairness.
Eric: I don't think that's what Blair had in mind when she picked you as her successor.
Jenny: Too bad! Hey, when does Jonathan get back from his fencing camp in Torino?
Eric: Not 'til next month. [sees girls dressed like J] Oh, that's disturbing.

Dan: I think I'm going to need a dress for prom.
Jenny: Okay, well, you're going to have to wear your own shoes.

Jenny: Thanks again for saving me. You know how these girls are.
Nate: I'm glad it worked out.
Blair: Nate. I didn't see that one coming.
Jenny: Well, I learned from the best.
Blair: Good answer.

Jenny: People change, Chuck.
Chuck: Not you. Not about this. Jenny Humphrey, who used to sit in Brooklyn and look at the lights across the water. Who went toe-to-toe with Blair Waldorf and actually won her respect. You can't tell me that girl still isn't there. Now that the dream is real, you owe it to her to live it.
Jenny: Blair doesn't want me to be queen.
Chuck: Maybe we can make her reconsider.

Dan: (reading a Christmas card) This one is from the Smiths. "Seasons Greetings." It's very original.
Jenny: Their name is Smith, you don't have to be original.

Jenny: So we should just be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone and never get invited to parties?
Dan: Works for me.

Jenny: The real question is, so how are you?
Dan: Me? Why wouldn't I be okay?
Jenny: You know, at end of the night with Serena and the...
(Jenny gives Dan a awkward wave)
Dan: Was it really that bad

Jenny: Look, I know I acted like a complete and total raging bitch last year, but what you don't know is how bad I felt about it all summer. You were the only person who was friends with me for me and I hurt you the worst.
Eric: Well, you did get yours in the end. And since I don't have many friends myself, I guess I could use every lying, manipulating, backstabbing one I can get. What did you have in mind?

Eric: It helps if you count out loud.
Jenny: Eric you don't have to be nice to me. I've been so awful to you and Jonathan.
Eric: True. But I'm a better person than you.
Jenny: Also true.

Dan: I can't concentrate.
Jenny: The sound of your own voice annoying you?

Chuck: Be careful, Jennifer Humphrey. If you come down the rabbit hole, it's going to take more than Blair Waldorf and your army of minions to drag you back out.
Jenny: So what, you're going to walk me to my room and make sure I don't get in any trouble?
Chuck: Try not to run into any Euro dealers in the kitchen.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.