Leela: Thank you, Jrrr. I hope you'll always think of me as your mom.
Jrrr: When my species grows up, we eat our moms!

Leela: Ugh! Great. We're two days from Earth with no food.
Bender: Problem solved: You two fight to the death and I'll cook the loser.

Fry: Maybe that planet over there has a drive-thru. A Burger Jerk or a Fishy Joe's or a Chizzler or something.
Bender: Ah, don't get your hopes up. We're a billion miles from nowhere.
Leela: Yeah. It's probably only got a Howard Johnson's.

Leela: Dinner ready?
Bender: Nah, those lousy Moochers cleaned out our pantry. All they left was baking soda and capers. And here it is!

Bender: Who wants dolphin?
Leela: Dolphin? But dolphins are intelligent.
Bender: Not this one. He blew all his money on instant lottery tickets.
Fry: OK.
Leela: Oh, OK.
Amy: That's different.
Farnsworth: Good, good.
Leela: Pass the blowhole.
Amy: Can I have a fluke?
Hermes: Hey, quit hogging the bottle-nose.
Farnsworth: Toss me the speech centre of the brain!

Well, it's a type-M planet, so it should at least have Roddenberries.

Leela: Stop eating Popplers! They can talk!
Billboard guy: Don't stop to talk! Eat Popplers!
Leela: Hey, cut it out!
Billboard guy: Take a coupon! Cut it out!

Farnsworth: A toast to Leela. She showed us it's wrong to eat certain things.
Fry: Hear, hear!
Bender: Let's get drunk!
Leela: Aww, thanks, guys. Pass the veal, please.
Bender: Here you go.
Fry: Mmm, let me get some of that suckling pig.

Leela: This is all a big load. I was the one trying to save the Popplers. You were sucking them down like the fat hog you are and you were stepping on them for fun. You both should be in here instead of me.
Bender: Someone's acting awfully aluminum.

Leela: Animals eat other animals. It's nature!
Free Waterfall, Jr.: No it isn't! We taught a lion to eat tofu!
Lion: cough, cough

Bender: I found some rocks. You guys eat rocks, right?
Leela: No.
Bender: Not even if they're sauted in a little mud?

Leela: Popplers are intelligent. This one called me mama.
Zoidberg: Congratulations. I assume Amy is the father.

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!