Farnsworth: I can't live forever and I need an heir. Someone to spend my vast riches and take care of my man-eating anteaters when I'm gone. The others simply aren't level-headed enough. They're too impulsive. Not like you. Not like old, predictable, dull-as-dishwater Leela.
Leela: Hello? New boots!
Farnsworth: That's why I've made you my sole heir. The day I die, you'll be a very wealthy woman. Oh, my, yes. Incredibly wealthy. The day I die. Because you're so unimpulsive.

Leela: OK, just try to be nonchalant.
Zoidberg: Alright, so you're nonchalant. Quit rubbing our noses in it.

Farnsworth: You've killed me! You've killed me!
Leela: Oh, no! What have I done?
Farnsworth: I just told you - You've killed me!

OK, that's it. No more killing! Next time you feel like killing just have a stick of gum.

Leela: Who are you?
Scruffy: Scruffy, the janitor.
Leela: I've never seen you before.
Scruffy: I've never seen you before neither.

Fry: Then... then... it was you!
Leela: I don't know what came over me. I killed one person on impulse. Then I had to kill another. And another.
Fry: Well, that covers the first three killings.

Leela: What is it?
Farnsworth: It appears that the very fabric of space-time has ripped.
Bender: Hey, look! An ugly scared guy! Boo!
Fry: Who are you monsters? Is one of you Icy Wiener?
Zoidberg: If that's his pizza, then I'm icy whatever!

Fry: Y'know, I think I finally figured out what's behind all these mysterious deaths.
Leela: Really?
Fry: Was Planet Express built on an Indian graveyard?

Zoidberg: Quiet, please. I've called you all here to the parlour to watch as I gradually solve the crime. One of the people in this room... is a big murderer! You see, the killer left one fatal clue: This boot print on the Professor's lab coat.
Leela: Uh, couldn't be me. I never wear boots. (She unzips her boots and lifts her feet onto the table) See?
Fry: Ew! What smells like boot feet?

Leela: I'm sorry, I couldn't stop- W-Wait. Don't you care that I murdered Hermes?
Bender: Not even a little. There's nothing wrong with murder, just so long as you let Bender wet his beak.

Farnsworth: Well, Leela, care to give the What-If machine a whirl?
Leela: Maybe later. I-I mean, I don't know what to ask about.
Hermes: Come on, woman! Just pick something.
Fry: Yeah, be more impulsive. Like this.
He picks up a box of Admiral Crunch, tips the contents on his head and pours milk over it
Bender: Go, man! Go!
Fry eats the cereal from his head
Leela: I can be really impulsive. It just takes me a while.
Fry chops a banana onto his head

Leela: Hey, guys! Look what I bought on a wild impulse: New boots! They're like my old ones but with a crazy green stripe! Whoo! Never know what I'm gonna do next!

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!