Mike: You said we. Are you back on this thing with me?
Liv: Yes, sir. I don't want to let being afraid stop me from doing what's right. If I can put my Nana in the hospital, I can do anything.

Ben: Maybe it just knocked him out.
Mike: Knocked him outta his skin, maybe.

Mike: Is he still there? Oh, no. Don't look. Feel it with your third eye.
Liv: I'm sorry. I already looked with my first two eyes. He's there.

Liv: Is the woman Lena Torres?
Mike: Let's call her Mina Flores.

Ben: I asked to see you in my office.
Mike: No, you said you'd LIKE to see me in your office, and I don't blame you. Hell, I'm a statue of masculinity. If I was in your office, you'd probably walk in every morning and say, 'Damn, now that's what I want to be.'
Ben: If you were a statue in my office, I'd hang my jacket on you.
Mike: And I'd want you to 'cause I'd be made out of metal, and I'd be cold. See? Even as a statue, man, I still get what I want.

Mike: Taxpayers shouldn't have a say in how their taxes dollars are spent. That's called anarchy!
Ben: Well, some people call it democracy.

Mike: Now why would a well-respected military chemist end up living way out here like some kind of creepy ass fairytale witch?
Liv: They say she kind of lost it after she saw her husband die in a lab accident.
Mike: Lab accident? You sayin’ we could be facin’ a supervillain?

Mike: Well, let me introduce you to our unsub, Mr. Plaid, right. Look how he's sittin' -- upright, prepared. And what does that suggest? I'll give ya a hint. It begins with the letter M.
Liv: Military.
Mike: Mime.
Liv: That was my second guess.
Mike: Now, mime is an undervalued physical discipline. Their posture's active even when they sittin' still, and you won't ever hear 'em comin'. We might be lookin' at a killer mime.

Don't worry about limpin' pigeons. Over time, they've developed the ability to fake ankle injuries to get more bread from people. It's sad. Used to be such a proud bird

There's six blueberries in one half and two blueberries in the other. Was your oven on its side? No, thank you.

Is it too much to ask for to find an independent woman who only does what I want?

Mike: You gettin' a pool?
Ben: Uh, I don't know. Kate wants to sell the house. I thought maybe if I put in a pool, she'd want to stay.
Mike: Count me out. I don't swim in water somebody else is teabaggin'.
Ben: Uh, pretty sure we'd be wearin' bathing suits.
Mike: Shit. Water don't care! You wrap a teabag in a speedo and you put it in some water, you still gonna get a cup of tea that tastes like your nuts.

Resident Alien Quotes

Sheriff: I'm Sheriff Mike Thompson. Everybody calls me Big Black.
Harry: Because of your truck.
Sheriff: Because of my... [chuckles] Oh, you funny, huh? Funny.

Spring. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the sun warms the earth. Somewhere; not here. It's 30 degrees out, it snowed nine feet last winter, and four frozen sodas just exploded in my truck. Welcome to Patience, Colorado.
