Oliver: We're late.
Diggle: The good news is you get to make your dramatic entrance.
Oliver: Oh I'm just glad Oliver Queen has a reputation for showing up late.
Diggle: You know, I've been meaning to tell you it really wears me out no end the way you refer to yourself in the third person like that.

Felicity: Does that mean I have a shot at employee of the month?
Oliver: No, because you’re not my employee. You’re my partner.

Oliver: Why did you come back?
Sara: The earthquake:
Oliver: Because you wanted to make sure your family was safe. But now you're still here, watching over them. Protecting them. So, did you come here to make sure I didn't tell them, or because you were hoping I had?

Tommy: I'm sorry.
Oliver: No, don't apologize.
Tommy: I was angry and I was jealous. I am my father.
Oliver: No, no you're not.
Tommy: Did you kill him?
Oliver: No.
Tommy: Thank you.

I've been researching some of those people online and....they're not good people.

Canary: You can't save a city on forgiveness.
The Arrow: You don't have to forgive him. But you do have to let him live.
The Mayor. Bitch. I knew you didn't have it in ya.
[Canary chokes The Mayor until he passes out]
Canary: I really don't like that word.

Malcolm: Oliver, I know I wasn't there for Tommy, but I see Thea as my chance for redemption.
Oliver: You turned my sister into a killer and then you put her into the cross hairs of one of the most dangerous men on the planet.
Malcolm: And you won't believe me, but I did so with a heavy heart and expecting a different outcome.
Oliver: Ra's is going to come for me and he will learn the truth about Sara, eventually.
Malcolm: And then he will come for Thea. And me.
Oliver: That's why I have to kill him.
Malcolm: You couldn't before.
Oliver: This time I will have you to train me.
Malcolm: Only the student will have hope of defeating the master.

Do you remember what you told me? It takes a monster to kill a monster.

Flashback Oliver

Moira Queen, you have failed this city.

Isabel: You aren't at all what people say about you.
Oliver: Most people fail to see the real me.

Felicity: If it's an energy drink, why is it in a syringe?
Oliver: I ran out of sports bottles.

Felicity Smoak. You have failed this omelette.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
