Oliver: Time for a dance?
Felicity: I'm not really feeling like dancing with you, Oliver.
Oliver: I know. And that's why I called him. FYI, they will card him at the bar.

Isabel: You aren't at all what people say about you.
Oliver: Most people fail to see the real me.

Felicity: Are you okay?
Oliver: My mom and my best friend's dad are involved in a conspiracy that may have dire consequences for the city and I'm pretty sure they murdered my father. I'm not planning on using the word okay again any time soon.

Sebastian: How do you know I've been working with Slade Wilson?
Oliver: Because I'm the Arrow.

Before the island I was a jerk, but now I'm just a damaged jerk.

Sara: You told them that I died on The Gambit. If they know the truth...
Oliver: They would never talk to me again. Not one of them. It would be worth it.

I'm giving up a lot so maybe I thought the universe owed me one.

Canary: You can't save a city on forgiveness.
The Arrow: You don't have to forgive him. But you do have to let him live.
The Mayor. Bitch. I knew you didn't have it in ya.
[Canary chokes The Mayor until he passes out]
Canary: I really don't like that word.

Oliver: Laurel. I understand. After everything that's happened, I understand why we can't be together. I still need you in my life.
Laurel: We've been through too much for it to be any other way.

Tommy: I'm sorry.
Oliver: No, don't apologize.
Tommy: I was angry and I was jealous. I am my father.
Oliver: No, no you're not.
Tommy: Did you kill him?
Oliver: No.
Tommy: Thank you.

I don't kill people unless it's absolutely necessary. It's not my opening move.

Moira: There's only one way this night can end and we both know that, don't we, Mr. Wilson?
Oliver: Mom!
Moira: Please tell me both my children will live.
Thea: Mom! What are you doing?! Mom!
Moira: Thea, I love you. Close your eyes baby!
Oliver: NO!
Slade: You possess true courage. I am truly sorry you did not pass that on to your son.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
