Slade: I'm impressed that you didn't puke.
Oliver: I swallowed it.

Nothing is bred that is weaker than man.

Oliver: What about the others?
Slade: You worry about your one. I'll worry about my ten.

Slade: Obviously you were never a Boy Scout.
Oliver: Really? What tipped ya off?

Moira Queen, you have failed this city.

Diggle: Oliver, if this were anybody else you'd be hooded up right now on your way to have an Arrow side chat with them.
Oliver: This isn't anybody else. This is my mother, and I know her.

I've been researching some of those people online and....they're not good people.

Felicity: If it's an energy drink, why is it in a syringe?
Oliver: I ran out of sports bottles.

Diggle: Woah. That's a neat trick. You gonna teach me that someday?
Oliver: No.

Diggle: Find what you're looking for?
Oliver: Took down three Vertigo pushers tonight, Diggle. Last one finally knew a name. The Count.
Diggle: The Count. That's worse than The Hood.

Whoever you fear, fear me more!

I could be wrong. The list isn't.

Arrow Quotes

Thea: I missed you so much.
Oliver: You were with me the whole time.

To live I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked, but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Oliver Queen.
