Jughead: What, did you miss me?
Bret: You’ve got to be kidding me?!
Mr. DuPont: Mr. Jones, we all thought you were…
Jughead: That I was dead?! Yeah, for a minute there I thought I was too.
Betty: Yeah.
Jughead: Hey, what’s that often-used Mark Twain quote? “Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”
Joan: What is happening right now?
Betty: It is called getting your comeuppance, Joan.

Gravedigger: I can’t believe you got up! But you can’t do it, can you? You can’t kill for blood, right?
Black Lightning: You and I are blood.
Gravedigger: That’s funny.

Agent Odell: [Sighs.]
Khalil: Now, you didn’t really think I would let you get away after making me kill my mom, did you?
[Agent Odell utters trigger phrase]
Khalil: That shutdown only works for Painkiller. I’m Khalil.
[Reloads gun]
Khalil: We haven’t officially met.

Anissa: Look, so what’s your assessment?
Lynn: She’s in a coma. I’m sorry, Hunny, but you know how this goes. It could be 10 minutes or it could be 10 years. And there’s no data on how the shapeshifting might affect it.
Anissa: Come on, come on, come on! There’s gotta be something you can do?
Lynn: She needs to be someplace where she can have constant care. And we can pray.

Major Grey: Mr. Gambi, we know you’re in here. We know you have the briefcase.
Gambi: I can’t help but you have your most trusted commandos with you.
Major Grey: Showing off that you’re in our personnel files, tailor? Brag much!
Gambi: Thank you for bringing me the last ASA agents who know the Pierce family secrets.
Major Grey: You’re welcome! They all know you very well. You’re not getting out of here.
Gambi: I’ve seen worse.
[Gambi unleashes bullets from a machine gun]

Donna: You must really miss your brother? When was the last time you saw him? He isn’t really dead, is he?!
[Betty comes rushing over]
Betty: Donna, are you serious?! This is Jughead’s little sister and you’re accosting her!
Donna: Oh, come on, Betty. You and I both know this is all an act.
Betty: B****, I’m done with you. Let’s go.

Veronica: Well, well, well! If it isn’t the girl who cried, “Papi.”
Hermosa: I did a little digging like you asked me to.
Veronica: And?
Hermosa: You are lucky I am such a good P.I. because you’ll never believe what I found out.

Donna: In case you’ve forgotten, I’m the brains of this operation. We still have a job to finish and a meddlesome girlfriend to pin this on.
Brett: Yessir.
Donna: And if you ever undermine me again, you will go the way of Jonathan, may he rest in peace. And that’s a fact.

Alice: Though, I understand you made quite the public spectacle over the Archie and Betty romance?
Veronica: Hmmm, I think you mean I gave an amazing performance?
Alice: But weren’t you afraid that something might actually spark between them?
Veronica: I trust Archie, and I trust Betty. To be honest, the thought never crossed my mind.

Lynn: I’m so happy you’ve found someone to marry, but I have to admit…
Grace: It’s happening fast, Mom, I know.
Lynn: I don’t know anything about Grace.
Grace: All you need to know is that I love her.

Gambi: I actually agree with her. It doesn’t make sense to keep your most powerful Meta off the frontline unless…
Jefferson: Unless what?!
Gambi: Unless you don’t think you can beat Gravedigger either!

T.C.: Yeah, I’ve never even kissed a girl.
Erika: Really?
T.C.: What?
Erika: Did you just use the fact that we might die tomorrow to scam a kiss?
T.C.: Yes, I did. But, it’s true. I never kissed a girl. You can’t be mad with that. It was worth a shot.
[Erika lightly kisses T.C.]
T.C.: Ok.
Erika: Now you can die happy.
T.C.: Does that mean you like me?
Erika: That means I took pity on you.
T.C.: Does that count though? I wasn’t ready…
Erika: You’re not getting another kiss.

The CW Quotes

Alice: These diaries are your past, and your past is crushing you. Edgar says that...
Betty: What, Mom? What does some guru who’s running a heaven’s gate commune for pregnant runaways and wives of serial killers have to say about my diaries?
Alice: We know that you look down on the Farm, Betty. But, Edgar has done nothing but help me. He’s encouraged me to embrace everything that I was ashamed of and become the best version of myself.

Veronica: What's happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?
Jughead: I have a strong inkling, and no. Also, I'd let it go.
Veronica: Yes, but you're you and I'm me. You do you, girl. I'll be back.
[She leaves]
Kevin: What was it like before she got here? I honestly cannot remember.