Fitz: I’m never leaving you again!
Simmons: Then marry me, Fitz!
Fitz: Absolutely!

Daisy: How is Fitz even here?
Simmons: I don’t know! He just… showed up out of nowhere with his own spaceship!
Daisy: That’s a baller move. Not to mention the whole bounty hunter look he’s rocking--
Simmons: I still prefer him in cardigans.

I may be a rube, but only *dumb* rubes believe in that prophecy nonsense! Though I will be a *rich* rube once I turn you four into Kasius!


Normally, I’d pit Ben against another Inhuman, but for this crowd, I decided for a more… unique opponent. One not of this time. This deadly assassin was trained by one of the galaxy’s most despised organizations. But most intriguing, she’s also a friend to the Destroyer of Worlds. Dear guests, may I present to you Melinda May, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Tess: Flint, this is Yo-Yo, she’s Inhuman, too.
Flint: Yeah, I kinda figured that already. Why aren’t you living down on the Kree levels?
Yo-Yo: I’m not really from here.
Coulson: None of us are. And she’s not the only Inhuman with us.
Flint [glances at Mack]: You mean this guy.
Yo-Yo: No, he’s just cool.

Enoch: *That* is Jemma Simmons. Would you like me to broker an introduction?
Fitz [in disbelief]: Why would I need you to introduce me to Jemma Simmons?
Enoch [whispers]: It’s Marauder protocol.

Fitz: So Kasius has assembled the worst of the worst.
Enoch: Do not fear. *You* are far more reprehensible than any other creature in this room.
Fitz: Thanks for that, Enoch.
Enoch: You’re quite welcome. It was a rather fun pursuit, constructing your alias. No longer are you Leopold Fitz, but instead Boshtok, a vile Space Marauder of unlimited wealth.
Fitz: Was the brooch really necessary?
Enoch: Indeed! That medal signifies the number of enemy lives you’ve taken.

Daisy: By the way, ‘fight to the death’? Really?
Fitz: Well, I had to make a splashy entrance.
Daisy: Well, you could’ve jumped in the Octagon yourself, then!
Fitz: No, it wouldn’t be fair. I do pushups now. Double digits.

Patience is a feeble cover for inaction.


May: How are *you* not eaten by those things?
Enoch: They have no interest in me, as I have no tender insides for them to extract.
May: Thought Fitz was done building robots.

You call me weak. My strength comes from surrounding myself with loyalty.


These pipes are hot. I wonder if that means this is the spa floor...

Daisy [in a dark dingy corridor]

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.