Mack: Well, if the arm fits!
Yo-Yo: So, you’re making arm jokes now? I thought those were off-limits!

General Hale. I know you’re bummed the whole ‘team-up’ thing isn’t gonna happen. But it still seems kinda petty taking away my cot. My chair. And my Captain Crunch. That last one really hurt. And you’re gonna destroy the Earth, so…


Talbot: I was trying to hold out, Phil. Where were you?
Coulson: We were in the future.
Talbot [laughs incredulously]: You were in the future? What, you guys live is some fifth-dimension *freak show*?
Coulson: I’d say that’s a relatively accurate description of our day-to-day life.

Ruby: I don’t want to *be* you. I want to *beat* you.
Daisy: You can certainly try.

Radiation poisoning would be a horrible way to find out we can still die.


Talbot [regarding Deke]: So, this kid’s from the future?
Coulson: Yeah. And in that future, Earth is gone and the last of humanity is enslaved by alien overlords.
Talbot: Alien… over… I should’ve stayed in my cell. You’re telling me that we got our asses handed to us by little green men?
Coulson: They were big. And blue.

May: *All* Daisy could think about was getting you back! She’s not ready for your job, Phil.
Coulson: She has to be. My time is running out.

Coulson: Maybe I’m reckless. But if this *is* the end, better to go out doing something that matters.
May: No. You don’t get to make that decision alone. That decision is made with the people who love you!
Coulson: May!
May: And that’s me! *I* love you.
Coulson: [speechless]
May: I thought that would shut you up.

Is Daisy here? She’s so pretty. I wanna put my mouth on her mouth and move it around a lot, but I don’t wanna do that unless she wants to, too, because that’s what makes it nice. But I don’t think she wants that, ‘cause she does not like me one bit.

Deke [drugged]

Daisy: I had it under control! She was coming around, and then Yo-Yo killed her!
Yo-Yo: No. I just saved the world.

Ruby: I was never good enough for you!
Hale: No! All I ever wanted was for you to reach your true potential.

Deke [asking for love advice]: Like, you got a good thing going.
Mack: Don’t look at me! Last time I saw Yo-Yo, she lied to me, locked me up, and ran off.
Deke: Coulson?
Coulson: Sorry, bro. Apparently I’m incapable of expressing my feelings or letting people take care of me.
Deke: Well, you guys are useless. It’s lemons, then.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.