Your gods see you as a traitor, complicit in the death of their kin. And you shun the gods of progress. So I wonder if you don't choose a side, will you be trampled by both?

Mr. World

Love and war may sit on opposite sides of a coin but only so they may never meet.


The old gods will scatter, hiding their heads in the depths, only to sprout anew and find me waiting. The way to kill Wednesday's hydra is to lasso their necks and chop them all at once.

Mr. World

Laura: I don't know what kind of syphilitic time period spawned leprechauns, but in my world, infidelity does not warrant a death sentence.
Sweeney: Where I'm from, it's the greatest sin.

Laura: God is a fairy tale for grown-ups
Sweeney: Well, you're in the fairy tale now, aren't you?

Scientists call it hormesis, a little bit of poison to make you stronger. Your light is strong, my beautiful son.

Shadow's mother

Mr. Nancy: You are the biggest, most unlucky leprechaun I have ever met.
Mad Sweeney: Bugger off!
Mr. Nancy: Bugger yourself off, bitch!

Great battles require great preparation.


You brought the fight to my doorstep. I have no choice but to resume the lopping of heads, drinking of blood, and liberating of souls. That is... if I can sap my weekend shift with Arjun.


You let the dust of the old star slip right through your fingers,ah? There are no more believers left for Zorya so there will be no more life for her. But I know a new star will soon rise from the horizon and the Hound's Gate will rest in the hands of this newborn star. We must pray that she is up to the task. If not, this country will be barren of believers.


She will find you and you will die with a sweet kiss on your lips and eternal darkness in your soul.


Then I have to put the fear of me into some old gods. Let them feel shock and awe. Pain and grief. Let them know what real sacrifice feels like.


American Gods Quotes

It's like one of those good/news bad news jokes, isn't it? The good news is, we'are lettin' you out early. The bad news is your wife's dead.


Shadow, we're going to be releasin' you later this afternoon. You'll be gettin' out a coupla days early. There's no good way to say this, so I'll put it plain. This came in from Johnson City Hospital from Eagle point. Your wife, she died in the early hours of this morning. It was ah, an automobile accident.
