It's The Arrow that matters. The man under the hood isn't important. Can you imagine what it's like to be him? What he has to live with day in and day out? What that's gotta be like? Hey? The least I can do is to a little bit of time for him.


Just a quick reminder… super speed. I don’t have it.


Because if half of the stories I've heard about Ra's al Ghul are true and Sara kills his daughter, we all will pay.


We trade Damien for the virus. That is remarkably ruthless and cold blooded. I approve.


Because of the life that I lead, I just think it’s better to not be with someone that I could really care about.


Oliver: Mom, I know a little something about sacrificing myself for the good of this city. It's what you need to do now.
Moira: I know.
Oliver Good.
Moira: Oliver. I know. I know. I've known since last year, I suppose. The night of the undertaking everything became so clear. It's pretty much the night I stopped sleeping.
Oliver: Before you say anything else...
Moira: There's nothing else to say. Nothing I need to say. Except I could not be more proud.

Walter: I didn't realize you took Russian in college Oliver.
Oliver: I didn't realize you wanted to sleep with my mother Walter.

Felicity: I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that you can beat him, but I'm terrified that you won't kill him because that's not who you are anymore and I am so afraid that Ra's al Ghul is going to use your humanity against you.
Oliver: Felicity, I honestly don't know if I'm a killer anymore, but I do know two things. The first is that whoever I am, I'm someone who will do whatever, whatever it takes to save my sister.
Felicity: And the second thing?
Oliver: I love you.

Five years ago I made a promise. Do you remember? Well I'm here to fulfill it. See you around kid.


Who are you? Where's my friend Tommy Merlyn? The guy who once rented out a pro football stadium so he could play strip kickball with models.


Tommy: Why should I trust you?
Oliver: Because you always have.
Tommy: Oliver.

Felicity: Guess what I majored in. Hint - not the secretarial arts!
Oliver: Felicity! If I'm going to be Oliver Queen, CEO, the I cannot very well travel down 18 floors every time you and I need to discuss how we spend out nights.
Felicity: And I love spending the night with I worked very hard to get where I am and it wasn't so I could fetch you coffee!
Diggle: Well, it could be worse. My secret identity is his black driver.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
