Ash: What the rice and beans is he doing here?
Brock: What the rice and beans are you doing here?
Ash: Hey, it's my question!

Pablo: Look at him. Man, that care has been with him through thick and thin, war and peace. I mean look at him.
Kelly: I mean, it didn't even have a CD player.
Pablo: True that.

Ash: Poor fellow, guess he didn't have the heart to carry on without me.
Kelly: Or the food.

Pablo: Sweet room Jefe!
Ash: Yep, lot of good memories in here. And there.
[Kelly jumps off Ash's bed in disgust]

Kelly: That is horrible...and also awesome.
Ash: Which is everything that I do!

Oh God, I'm in the butt! I'm in the butt!

Look, I would trust a blind proctologist over her, but you know the deal.

Holy pickle dicks!

Tommy: You've got some huge balls showing yourself in this town.
Ash: Yeah, I do. Notice I never wear gym shorts?

Homeless Man: You!! You ruined my LIFE!
Ash: I've ruined a lot of people's lives, sir.

Ash: Check it out. I'm better, stronger...
Brock: Faster? Bullshit. It looks like some piece of shit made in China.

Kelly: You think Ruby's here? In a crack house.
Ash: No. It's my house. At least it used to be.
Kelly: Oh. It's...nice.

Ash vs Evil Dead Quotes

Eeeeaaaaaaaa! We are near! You're time comes again!


I'm getting a little winded. Mind if we take a break and focus on me for a minute?
