Ash: Pablo, first round of 'ritas is on you because...
Pablo: Oh! Because it's the drink of my people!
Ash: That's a little racist, don't you think?

Deadite: Your truce is over Ashy Slashy.
Ash: What'd you call me?

I have fought with Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan and this fucked up shit is my only hope? Oh fuck, what a mess.


Amanda, whenever you think about us, you might want to forget this part!

Someone needs to wash your mouth out, kid. And that me.

Gaaah! Creepy kid.

Alright Pedro, I'm comin' for ya! Uh, uh Pablo! I meant Pablo!

Ruby: Oh Ash. Do you really think I want you and your little friends to die?
Ash: Yyyyes.
Ruby: No. I just want things to go back to the way they were when The Dark Ones ruled over evil forces on earth.
Ash: Well, I just want to bang Maryanne from Gilligan's Island, but that ain't gonna happen.

Deadite Amanda: Pucker up and give me a kisssss...
Ash: Fat fuckin' chance!

Ruby: Ash, you have carried this burden for 30 years. Isn't it time for someone else take the load?
Pablo: Just let her carry your load, Jefe!

Of course I know what I'm doing. I wrote this book.


Ash: Man, makin' decisions is so hard.
Pablo: Let's look on the bright side! Were balls deep in this shit. There's nowhere TO go, but up!

Ash vs Evil Dead Quotes

Eeeeaaaaaaaa! We are near! You're time comes again!


I'm getting a little winded. Mind if we take a break and focus on me for a minute?
