My brother, who I haven't had a meaningful conversation with in a while, goes into a meeting about my wife's legacy and becomes the center of attention!


The knowledge that Damian has belongs to us, as he does.

Damian's Handler

Lyor: God, I hate a free press.
Seth: Yeah, the feeling is mutual.

Emily: They're calling you imperial, angry, distraught.
Tom: Yeah, well I am angry and distraught!

You sit in that chair you have an obligation. Not just to the American people but to the office. Every president who sat there before you and will sit there after you. Your judgment is off, Tom, and I can't let you implode. I won't.


All this high-tech security and a guy who unclogs toilets walked right in and circumvented it.


Damian, you and I will never speak again. [speaks Russian] Traitor.


I don't need his happiness. I need his cooperation.


Hannah: What are you doing here, Damian?
Damian: I have something America might want. Information.

We need to talk.

Damian [points a gun at Hannah]

Senator Sanchez, if you do this long enough, you'll realize that you don't really know anyone.


Emily: What the hell just happened?
Lyor: He made the hard decision but the right one. I think the president is back.
Emily: Hallelujah.

Designated Survivor Quotes

Pancakes for everyone!


Alex: Tom, you can't do that. You can't make promises you won't be able to keep.
Tom: We're in Washington. They're the only promises you're allowed to make.