They don't know that, and they don't know what I'm capable of.


Men like that, the only thing they fear more than blood is the ballot box.


My country is predicated on the idea that one man matters.


Mike: Should have shown her the Lincoln bedroom.
Kirkman: That's what I would have done.

You're telling me the whole thing with Leo was a setup? And that President Taran was behind all of this?


NATO is falling apart, my son is being sued, my mentor is a potential murder suspect, and my mother in law is being grilled by the FBI. I'm sitting here watching the world burn. It's time to pick up a bucket. Set up the interview.


You harbor a criminal, sir. That makes you a criminal.

Turkish President

Moss: Are you telling me I need a lawyer?
Hannah: I don't know, sir. Do you?

I started all of this because I took that bribe. I'm going to finish it.


Mike: Can it wait until tomorrow?
Daynes: Yes.
Mike: Good. Man's done enough for one day.

Listen because I’m only going to say this once, and you need to take it in, get on board, internalize it ... remember it. You’re the greatest thing since sliced bread, and if this guy doesn’t see that, then he doesn’t like bread. And when I say bread, it’s a metaphor because you are not remotely bread-like except in so far that bread is great. Fundamentally great. Like water, or air, or you.


Emily: He didn't want me. He wanted White House.
Seth: I know.

Designated Survivor Quotes

Pancakes for everyone!


Alex: Tom, you can't do that. You can't make promises you won't be able to keep.
Tom: We're in Washington. They're the only promises you're allowed to make.