I tracked this guy, for six months, all over Europe, with every single resource at my disposal, and I never even got close. He is so clever.


Kirkman: Do you think this glorified office building is worth $7 billion?
Mike: No sir, I think it's worth a whole lot more.

Kirkman: Something's off with this. Both sides refuse to negotiate. Both sides refuse a third party intervention. The hijackers keep changing their demands, making it impossible for us to meet them, even if we wanted to, which they know we can't because we don't negotiate with terrorists.
UN Secretary General: It's like both sides want the situation to deteriorate.
Kirkman: Yes, it's exactly like that.

Emily: Lyor, you can't control what I drink.
Lyor: Well, maybe not. But, I can make failure a virtue.

This president has survived an assassination attempt, the murder of his vice president, and an opposition, who can only seem to agree on the single proposition that he should be thrashed at every turn. And yet, the president has never wavered in his belief in the American dream, or in the fundamental belief in the goodness of the American people.


It is imperative that we not become numb. The people that we serve, they have faces, families, hopes and dreams and stories.


Kirkman: I have seen the one thing that will bind us all together: love."

  • Permalink: love."
  • Added:

Can I get you a ... hospital or something?


It's not over. No victory without sacrifice.


Kirkman: I will not tolerate any intimidation of the press. Besides apparently, if I wanted, I could just throw you in jail.
Abe: Are you threatening me?
Kirkman: No. The opposite. I'm trying to tell you that I won't do that. I'm not going to try to make you do anything.

Knowing the President as well as I do, if he's holding on to any sort of secret, it's for the safety of the American people.


Nate Butcher: What do you say to all the Americans out there who are worried about a government conspiracy?
Aaron: I think President Kirkman is probably the most honest man I ever met. And I think you and Senator Bowman are trying to score political points over national security.

Designated Survivor Quotes

Pancakes for everyone!


Alex: Tom, you can't do that. You can't make promises you won't be able to keep.
Tom: We're in Washington. They're the only promises you're allowed to make.