Leo: Does it ever weird you out that you and dad are like the President and the First Lady?
Alex: Yes. Every day.

Running this country is the hardest job there is. Problem is with everything that's flying at you, you're not actually running it. You're reacting. Not leading.

President Ross

It's the loneliest job in the world.

President Ross

Imagine the courage he must have had to stand up for the basic rights of equality.


I asked for honesty.


It's not personal, it's just protocol.


Bring him in.

President Kirkman

Putting more bars on the prison is not the answer.


When your ship's taking on water you don't jump, you grab a bucket.


The mission that made MacLeish a hero turned him into a traitor.


We only have to be lucky once. They have to be lucky all the time.


In times of crisis, we must not succumb to cynicism and mistrust. Instead, we must maintain faith while embracing reason and truth, not speculation and rumor. Again, we can only obtain this through transparency.


Designated Survivor Quotes

Pancakes for everyone!


Alex: Tom, you can't do that. You can't make promises you won't be able to keep.
Tom: We're in Washington. They're the only promises you're allowed to make.