About your room 105, you might want to check with the architect of the Capitol. Be a pain in someone else's ass for a change.


Hookstraten: I need to talk to the President.
Seth: The President's got a very busy schedule today.
Hookstraten: I can wait.

Jason: So you decided to sleep on it?
Hannah: Actually, I drank on it.
Jason: I hope it was a good bottle.
Hannah: It was the Chardonnay you bought me last Christmas.
Jason: You lightweight.

Admiral Chernow: If this mission is a go, it needs to go now, sir.
Kirkman: It's a go. Strike the enemy.

Kirkman: I had to clear my entire schedule for the day. Want to know why?
Seth: Do I want to know why I have to lie to the press all day?
Kirkman: Yeah.
Seth: Okay, then let's just assume that somewhere there's going to be a military strike against the terrorists who bombed the Capitol, and I'll just know more when I know more.

Seth: How are you, sir. Seth Wright, Press Secretary.
Admiral Chernow: Ah, it's going to be a busy day for you son.

He's turning into a different person.


I'm starting to realize more than I ever wanted to that doing the right thing doesn't always make you feel good.


The truth is, Peter MacLeish is just a lucky guy.


We all want to do the right thing, Mrs. Kirkman, but the right thing is seldom free.


Hey, this is Washington. You seize opportunity when it presents itself whether you like the motives behind it or not.


Royce: The Christians and Jews didn't blow up the Capitol or run planes into the Twin Towers. Muslims did.
Emily: No, sir. Extremists did. And persecuting innocent people won't make any of us safer.

Designated Survivor Quotes

Pancakes for everyone!


Alex: Tom, you can't do that. You can't make promises you won't be able to keep.
Tom: We're in Washington. They're the only promises you're allowed to make.