Would you object greatly if I kissed you?

Ray [to Abigail]

Jessa: You've gotta do what you've gotta do. I'm not a zookeeper.
Adam: Come the fuck on, there's something else in there. Will you just say it? Spit in my face. Punch me. What? Just do it.
Jessa: Why would I do that? You haven't done anything wrong.

Well, honey, of course you don’t feel good. It’s 127 degrees in here and we are poor, you've got a parasite growing inside you, and we’re probably both going to die of heatstroke at any minute. Oh god, we're going to die like those old people in Queens on NY1! I'm too pretty to go to a cooling station.


Adam: I want to raise your child with you. I miss you and I miss being with you. And I thought I could move on, but hearing about the baby made me realize we don't have any more time to waste. Let me show you who I've become. I want to be there for you as you become a mother. I want to watch you blossom and love this baby more than anyone has ever loved a living thing. I don't want to be away from you any longer.
Hannah: I'm so confused.

And I'd like to remind the three of you not to sleep on this friendship. Because I know it feels like it's just gonna be love and lust pushing you forward, but lust fades and friendship never does. If you nurture it.


I just don't understand why you would want to leave New York, okay? That's like something your family makes you do when you're too deep into crack to stop them. It's not something that a young, vibrant, albeit pregnant, person does.


And if you think I'm gonna move up there and marry you and be your Tad, you are sorely mistaken, ma'am. Probably.


This is the type of fun that we have. I steal yogurts and then we laugh about it. What the fuck are you doing?


Hannah: You had a party and you didn't invite me? I mean, this place is, like, at capacity.
Shoshanna: Yeah, I did. Which would be strange, except you're having a baby, and you neglected to tell me after you literally told everyone else on the face of the earth. So, I guess that just kind of says who we are to each other.

We can't hang out together anymore because we cannot be in the same room without one of us making it completely and entirely about ourselves. In this instance, in particular, it happens to be Hannah, who has decided to crash my engagement party by showing up dressed like a member of the "Teen Mom" cast.


Hannah: It's okay. It's okay. I mean, think about it. We were all just doing our best, so.
Jessa: Our best was awful.
Hannah: Worst best.

Grover! Come on. It's good. There's a businessman who'd pay a lot of money to do this.


Girls Quotes

Ok I think I got everything, testicles, spectacles, wallet, and watch.


Jessa: It's pot, do you want some?
Shoshanna: Oh no, I'm hyper enough already.