For God's sake, Amelia, it's 2012. If you wanna marry Will Schuester, ask him.


I won't be burying any hatchets, William, unless I get a clear shot to your groin.


[to Santana] You're scared. I've never seen you scared before. It's cute!


Kurt: Six months ago, did you ever think that things would be like this?
Finn: Sometimes I miss high school, you know?

There's a lot of teachers at this school who teacher their students important things like how to drive and fractions, but you teacher your students how to dream.


Millie: I wanted to say thank you for what you did for Marley and me.
Sue: I have no idea what you're talking about. I had nothing to do with the making of that film.

My most guilty pleasure of late, my boyfriend arm. I ordered it one night while on Ambien.


There's no way I'm going back to juvee. There's no chicks and no Kosher meals in that place.


Sue: What would Madonna do? Well, the answer to that question would normally be: date a younger man.

And now, performing the hit song Tik and also Tok, by rapper Ke and dollar sign ha, New Directions.


Rachel: I like him, and I'm tired of second-guessing something that feels so right.
Kurt: Mmhmm. Well, as long as you're happy and I have a white noise machine, I guess I'm happy too.

Your face tastes awesome.

Rachel [to Blaine]

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
