Cara: This is the part where you go inside and slam the door in our face.
Gideon: No. I know you're telling the truth.
Miles: How?
Gideon: Because seven years ago I was friended by the God Account.

Audrey: I appreciate what you are trying to do, but talking to Madeline isn't going to bring my father back.
Miles: No, but if you can make peace with her then you'll be able to remember him with love and not regret. And that's a powerful thing.
Audrey: You want me to trust the God Account, is that it?
Miles: No, Audrey, I want you to trust me.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did the atheist just tell me to go to church?


Sameer: And if I don't?
Sameer's brother: Then we're no longer brothers. How could we be?

Cara: Do you remember our last night in Paris?
Miles: How could I forget?
Cara: And do you remember what you said to me?
Miles: I do.
Cara: Standing under the Eiffel Tower. It was perfect. And while I know that can never be duplicated, I thought I'd at least give it a try. Miles, I love you.
Miles: I love you too.

Oh, a ticking clock. The God Account is upping its game. I like it.


You have a calling. And I thought I did too, but now, I'm not so sure.


Keep the faith... or whatever it is you keep.


I love you, too. But sometimes that's not enough.


Miles: She knows that if you become Bishop, she's going to lose you to the church.
Arthur: I can find that balance, Miles. This is what I've always wanted, this is my calling. I cannot turn down this second chance.
Miles: You want to talk about second chances? You found the love of your life not once but twice. And your willing to risk that just so you can become the Bishop?

Miles: So, that's why you called me down here.
Arthur: Hmm?
Miles: So I would tell you that it's okay. And give you my approval.
Arthur: Well, I thought of all people, you'd understand.
Miles: Understand what?
Arthur: Understand why I have to do this. I saw how lost you were without the God Account. After I left the church, I felt the same. I mean, whether we like it or not, we have a larger calling.
Miles: But dad, if I had to pick between Cara and the God Account, I would choose her.

Ray: I dealt with abuse cases when I was a cop, so I had a friend do me a favor and send me Elena's medical records.
Rakesh: That is extremely illegal... which makes it that much more impressive!

God Friended Me Quotes

I am your host Miles Finer that there is no god and that is okay!


I thought I had it all figured out but then something happened and it changed my life forever. There is no proof of god anywhere in the universe.
