Aki: Mom: Maybe just light instead, it gets chilly in hospitals.
Aki: I think I know my girlfriend, mom.
Aki's Mom: Of course you do, it's just a suggestion.

Greetings, followers. Gossip Girl here. Your one and only, period. There are obvious upsides to being the children of the world's most influential people.

Kate: We should take a break from posting.
Wendy: Seriously? Remember when you couldn't take a day off? Now you wanna walk away?
Jordan: If this is about finding extra time, Wendy and I can pick up more slack. I think we proved ourselves last time.

Max: OK, that might have been the best one all week.
Rafa: We can't do it at school again.
Max: That's what you say every time.
Rafa: Well, if we get caught...
Max: Your generation always feel so guilty after they come. So sweet.

Oscar Wilde once said, "Give a man a mask, and he will tell you the truth." Which is why I love Halloween, because what was once created to honor the dead, tends to leave bodies in its wake. For when you don your disguise, the false sense of security it provides, always leads to loose lips that'll sink friends and relationships before dawn's early light. But I don't want to spoil the fun. After all, the biggest scares are the ones you never see coming. See you on the other side, dead or alive.

Gossip Girl here, your one and only, etcetera, amen.

I'm a bully. I bully my sister, I bully my friends, my fans — and I'm never gonna do it again, so long as I live.


I guess when you're a bully yourself, you don't see that.


Wars never end — what you need is a coup.


My mom taught me early on that it isn't enough to go to war.


The sad thing about this world is that people like us have to constantly prove we belong.


Stop screwing around, and just fuck me already.


Gossip Girl (2021) Quotes

I just got fucking fired.


When I was a student, we lived under constant threat. People like Nate [Archibald] were scared straight. It was this thing that started freshman year, called itself Gossip Girl. Kind of like an Orwellian Big Sister that kept tabs on the students it deemed important. If she knew your secrets, and she always did, she told them. She kept us all accountable. People thought it was me, but it was actually one of my classmates, Dan Humphrey. It was ridiculous. I wouldn’t even read it.
