Ben: You can't risk anyone else's future to protect hers. The right thing to do here is nothing. Then the worst that happens is Lily pays for what she did. At least no one else will.
Serena: Ben, she's my mother.

Dan: Um, you know that story I wrote that Louis killed.
Blair: It's in the book. Yeah, I figured. But if it's all the same to you, I think I'd like to stay in the dark about just how nastily you've portrayed me.
Dan: Yeah, that's a good idea. You know, we're just recently friends again. Why ruin a good thing.
Blair: Yep. And, ah, I'm sorry in advance, but I have a better offer than your party tonight. Louis and I are telling our families the news.
Dan: Good luck.
Blair: You too. Your novel seems to be very well-punctuated and I... like the font.

Sam: We got an advance copy of this new book by some anonymous New York insider and everyone in town is trying to figure out who.
Serena: Well I know who. I used to date him.
Sam: Shut up. No way! You're Sabrina? The dreamy blonde with the legs.
Serena: I guess I am.

Sam: Did you actually have cases of champagne delivered to your school?
Serena: Is that what he wrote? A friend was pulling a prank on me.
Sam: But it actually happened?
Serena: That was in high school. Keep reading. You'll see I mature as he gets to know me better.

Louis: But the way you said he made you in that story. If there's an entire book it could be terrible.
Blair: Look, I would expect nothing less. I was mean to him on the steps of the Met. I bad-mouthed him repeatedly to his dream girl. I tried to undermine him at W. I'm sure he's brutal. He may be calling this a novel, but I know just how little imagination he really has. It's a memoir masquerading as fiction. A reverse James Frey.
Louis: So you're going to read it?
Blair: No no. And you shouldn't either. Look, that book has nothing to do with us and the family we're building. Whatever is in there, even if it is the truth, it's in the past.

Eric: I know that they were just trying to help, but Dan and Nate actually made things worse when they went to see Damien's father.
Ben: How exactly?
Eric: Damien's got his big coke shipment coming in today from Europe. It's arriving at the flower market in the fertilizer packs of a hundred pink tulips. And since his dad has people watching his every move, he's making me be his drug mule.
Serena: What? Why would you do that? What does he have on you?
Eric: On me, nothing. But he knows that mom forged the affidavit about Ben.

Chuck: The slap was a nice touch. Oscar-worthy.
Lily: Yes, well it was surprisingly satisfying.
Chuck: Lily, once again, I'm sorry. I feel like a fool for ever believing Russell over you.
Lily: Well let's just hope it's not long before he's the one feeling foolish.

Chuck: Success comes at a price. The artist must stand alone to observe the crowd, right?
Dan: That's funny. Vanessa said the same thing.

Seems like things are looking up for Lonely Boy. Let's hope they've actually read the book and not judged it by its cover.

Blair: Louis just lied to me about his family.
Dorota: How you know?
Blair: My outfit for tonight's announcement included a pair of crocodile Alaias. You can't wear such a beautiful shoe if there's even a hint of a sprinkle outside. So of course I checked the weather. Clear from Monaco to Manhattan.
Dorota: Maybe have something to do with Lonely Boy book. Louis was reading while you sleep. He did not look happy.
Blair: I told him not to read it. It's not like there's anything in it that he doesn't know about me. {she starts reading}. Oh my god. I'm going to kill Dan Humphrey.

Sam: I told him that you're Sabrina. I hope that's not a problem.
Serena: No, not at all. It's nice to play such a big part in Dan's book. We've always been close.
Sam: Ugh. He must have been a saint to put up with you that long.

On the Upper East Side, staying alive isn't as easy as it appears. And after last week's security breach leading to no new tips, it looks like I might be dancing by myself.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.