Carol: Hi. We have a problem.
Charlie: Well add this one to the list. Max is dating Serena. If you don't want me to leave or get caught we have to pay him off immediately.
Carol: Except we don't have the money. I just came from the bank. Turns out my mother's added a security measure to the account—probably to punish me. Any withdrawal over $50,000 requires her signature.

Looks like I'm not the only one doing the hustle.

Serena: Blair has to follow a socialite around on Valentine's Day. It's for work. She figured you wouldn't mind since everything with Raina is... you know.
Chuck: "I know," what?
Serena: Oh. Blair was wrong. You do have feelings for Raina.

I'll put a pin in my current plans for 36 hours. If this thing you've planned succeeds, we'll talk.


I say where and when, people show up.


The Bass name has equity. I'd like the chance to prove that. All in one night. Tomorrow, to be exact. I've leased a landmark mansion outside the city. It's a destination. You travel to get there and the reservations are made before.


Nate: Listen, I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you.
Tripp: Yeah, I doubt that. I'm sorry you're enjoying every second of this.
Nate: I know our history isn't exactly pristine, Tripp, but we're still family.

Blair: Because I need to do a story on Raina for the magazine tomorrow night.
Serena: Okay, well why don't you just ask her yourself. After the Chuck thing doesn't she owe you a favor?
Blair: Yes, but she's not answering her phone and I can't leave the office. Besides it's better this way. Just two It Girls talking. Explain that you'll do the profile yourself.
Serena: Right. Because this is all just a favor to me and not a convoluted way for you to keep your eye on Raina and Chuck during Valentine's Day?
Blair: Hmm. I hadn't thought of that. Thank you!

Blair: How well do you know Raina Thorpe?
Serena: Um, not at all.
Blair: Do you know where she is right now?
Serena: I'm guessing you do.
Blair: At your house.
Serena: Where my mother lives.

Editor: Our inaugural It-Girl has to be special. As should her Valentine's plans. Blair, you're friends with Serena van der Woodsen?
Blair: Yes, well, Serena definitely is "It", but what if there was someone fabulous that we could break ourselves? Someone like Raina Thorpe.
Editor: Daughter of Russell. I like it. Keep going.
Blair: Well she's typically shy of publicity, which makes her an even bigger get. So if I could come through—
Editor: I'd recommend Stefano consider your trial period over.

Ben: I don't know about the cater waiter me, but the teacher me thinks maybe you should step out from behind the computer and find out who the new Epperley is. Give her the article in person.
Dan: Hm. The new Epperley. I hadn't thought about that.

Ben: It's a good thing Serena and I decided not to do anything for Valentine's Day. I can't afford to take her out anyway.
Dan: Well you already read how awkward I feel about this, but, um, with me she was always happy to just play pool and drink beer.
Ben: Right now I couldn't even afford to do that.
Dan: Ah, well. You know when I used to work for a catering company. They could always use an extra hand around a holiday. I could make a call. It's good money. And no offense, but judging from my past co-workers I think they have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding felons.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.