You look like an assistant manager at a Jacksonville multiplex.


The point is I gotta be a man and stand up for myself on my own with you guys behind me. Brad maybe you more towards the front perhaps wearing some Raiders gear.


You had Jane plan you a backup wedding in an underground bunker just in case North Korea quote grew a pair, but you never thought of who's gonna walk you down the aisle?


Ugh actors are the worst.


You need a dirtbag and luckily enough for you my middle name is Herbert and I'm a dirtbag.


He's not lying, he once ladybugs'd himself into a jr high girls soccer tournament, bet against the team and threw the game.


I'm sorry I get racist when I joke and I get hungry when I'm racist.


Hi. Could you bring me a dress that's a little more affordable like maybe one from last season or one that somebody died in.


Dammit Chad, you got me in trouble again. That's my underwear monster, I believe you two have met.


My love of rational business plans is clashing with my love of clandestine love affairs.


Oh no, do not lump me in with this bullcorn. Ghosts are real. Just like warlocks and doolas. I am on the fence about chupacabras, not saying they're real, not saying they're not. They're real.


This old priceless family heirloom that my hot fiancé's grandmother smuggled out of the old country. I mean I guess engagement ring is the acceptable nomenclature.


Happy Endings Quotes

You're sweating on my bruschetta.

Jane [to Brad]

The weird part is, now that I have a guy, everybody wants to set me up. Oh I know Al! I should hook you up with one of my "extras."
