Excuse me, I don't normally do this. But you have the hair of a greek shipping magnate's worthless son.


I mean I haven't really kept up with my acting aside from memorizing every one of Taye Diggs' monologues from Private Practice, but that's just to stay sharp.


You're right. I don't have to be in charge, even though it's better when I am.


You look like Coolio when he takes his braids out.


Come on throw some shade to Papa.


Penny made a boo-boo.


Uh, Dave welcome to the 31st century.


So cute, Penny. You should take him to Bone Town - you know, that rib joint on Holstead? I love that place.


Max: What are all those red arrows for?
Jane: Oh, those are all the areas that need improvements.
Max: But those are all of them.
Jane: Yeah, you've got lots of bad areas. You're like the Oakland of gay guys.

Well, as the author of several dozen cries for help I know a good one when I hear one.


Tampa is not a place you go it's a place you end up.


You are great together, Jay and Bey great.


Happy Endings Quotes

You're sweating on my bruschetta.

Jane [to Brad]

The weird part is, now that I have a guy, everybody wants to set me up. Oh I know Al! I should hook you up with one of my "extras."
