Layla: I'm sorry I almost killed you.
Junior: That's all right. I need to be more careful next time.

I figured it was time to come back home and try to have some semblance of a life.

Adam [to McGarrett]

Sometimes you have to let people make their own mistakes. That's the only way to protect them.

Grover [to Tani]

Tani: I thought Junior was supposed to be in class.
Grover:I guess he's bucking for extra credit.

Nice leis.

Junior [to Adam]

Grover [to Akuma]; You created the circumstances, and now a man is dead. And that's on you, whether you pulled the trigger or not.

Junior: That was easy.
Grover: Don't get used to it, kid. The bad guys don't usually come to us.
Junior: Copy that.

Grover: Damn, I sound like an old man.
Tani: No ... yes.

Next time, I think I'll take a cab.

Adam [to McGarrett]

This guy, making a call like that without a crucial piece of evidence, either he's a total idiot or he's hiding something.

Steve [to Danny]

Junior: It's complicated.
Tani: Trust me, I get complicated.

Jerry: Including the S word?
Tani: The S word?
Jerry: Sabotage.
Tani: Oh, that S word.

Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry, so sorry.

Danny [to Marie]

Dealer: Game's closed unless you have an invitation.
Grover [holding up his badge]: Here's my invitation. It's even engraved.