Sorry, I don't speak duct tape.


I was doing this back when you were trying to decide to be an astronaut and a cowboy.

Kilbride [to Callen]

Deeks: Special Agent Kensi Blye ...
Kensi: Is not buying into your BS.

Eliana: I wanted to see you. I just not what you're looking for.
Callen: I don't know what I'm looking for. At this point in my life, I don't think that's a good thing.

Kensi: You buying this?
Lance: Not so much. You?

Callen: The part where you said you had feelings for me.
Eliana: I believe I said I loved you. That's why I had to leave.

My mother always said, "If you don't want to know the answer, don't ask the question." So I've stopped asking questions.

Kensi [to Lance]

For the record, no woman has ever dissed in a bar.

Sam [to Callen]

We're so different, Callen. How did we ever have a thing?

Eliana [to Callen]

Nell: [Eric] can be such a nerd sometimes.
Kensi: Sometimes?

Deeks: They'll make me shave and cut my hair?
Kensi: A girl can dream.

Miss Blye, do whatever you have to to stop this war.

Hetty [to Kensi]