Gravel is big dirt.


Nope! That door is the family door. I'll meet you at the normal person door. [pounding continues]


D'Arcy: I'm glad I know.
Asta: Huh?
D'Arcy: About Harry. I don't want you to have to do all this alone anymore.

Mike: Well, let me introduce you to our unsub, Mr. Plaid, right. Look how he's sittin' -- upright, prepared. And what does that suggest? I'll give ya a hint. It begins with the letter M.
Liv: Military.
Mike: Mime.
Liv: That was my second guess.
Mike: Now, mime is an undervalued physical discipline. Their posture's active even when they sittin' still, and you won't ever hear 'em comin'. We might be lookin' at a killer mime.

A human lifespan can last 85 years or more if they are lucky. It might seem long to humans, but when compared to the age of planet Earth, a human life would only be 141 seconds long. That is why it's important to live the best life they can, be the best human they can -- every day -- and appreciate the seconds they have with one another.

Harry [internal]

Harry: Family. I had a family once—two loving parents. They promised to take me to Yellowstone to play with the yellow stones. I dreamed of us being there together in, I want to say, nature?
Kate: Mm-hm.
Harry: But the day we were supposed to leave, they died. [silence] That's the story. They died. It was sad. They're both dead.

Liv: I need to talk to you about something.
D'Arcy: Is this about who made a big snow penis outside town hall?
Liv: What?
D'Arcy: What?

Don't worry about limpin' pigeons. Over time, they've developed the ability to fake ankle injuries to get more bread from people. It's sad. Used to be such a proud bird


Kate: This is nice. It's very charming.
Ben: Yeah. Definitely more relaxing than the car ride with Harry reciting every single Law & Order episode from the break.

What's the alien word for screw-up? Or is it just Joseph?


Joseph: You have no idea what you're dealing with.
Dan: Oh, no. You're an alien? You think I give a shit? You can't swing a dead cat in this town without hittin' an alien.

Oh no! The pizza's outside the trap!


Resident Alien Quotes

Sheriff: I'm Sheriff Mike Thompson. Everybody calls me Big Black.
Harry: Because of your truck.
Sheriff: Because of my... [chuckles] Oh, you funny, huh? Funny.

Spring. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the sun warms the earth. Somewhere; not here. It's 30 degrees out, it snowed nine feet last winter, and four frozen sodas just exploded in my truck. Welcome to Patience, Colorado.
