There's the old nasty Darlene!

Roseanne: Did she just call you Darlene?
Darlene: Yeah. I got no problem with it.
Jackie: It's very modern. It allows the parent, and the child to address each other as equals.

Please call me Aunt Jackie. It's the only title I have.


I wrote a poem for my dad, and he hit me with a broom. And than he said this broom will do more for you then any poem.


Roseanne: Where's all the real men go?
Dan: They're hiding from all the real women.

You know what? I don't have to get yelled at by some stupid old hillbilly!


Welcome to the hillbilly day spa!

They don't put security tags on clothes that cost less than security tags.


A lot of my clothes turned vintage.

I'm sorry your henchmen are stupid, Riddler.


We came here because our family needed support, and you know what? No matter what you think of those crazy, old, stupid hillbillies they will get in the pick-up truck and they will pull you out of any well that you fall into.


Dan: And there's no books on how to raise kids.
Darlene: Yes there are. There are literally thousands.

Roseanne Quotes

Dan: Candyman's home babe.
Roseanne: Oh, my favorite, drugs! What happened to the rest of our candy?
Dan: Funny story. Our insurance don't cover what it use to so I got the drugs for twice the price.

Roseanne: Dan! Dan!
Dan: What? What happened?
Roseanne: I thought you were dead!
Dan: I'm sleeping! Why does everybody always think I'm dead?
Roseanne: You looked happy. I thought maybe you moved on.