Sam: I enjoy Renee Zellweger in all the Bridget Jones movies. Her accent is pitch-perfect, and her gift for physical comedy is grossly underrated.
Ted: Word.

Fairy tales do not start nor do they end at the dark forest. That's only something that shows up smack dab in the middle of the story, but it will all work out. It may not work out how you think it will or how you hope it does. But believe me, it will all work out, exactly as it's supposed to. Our job is to have zero expectations and just let go.

Phoebe: Uncle Roy, can we have ice cream for dinner?
Roy: No, that's dumb.
Phoebe: You're right. Thank you for helping me set boundaries.

Nate: Who's "that guy"?
Beard: Led Tasso.
Nate: Who's Led Tasso?
Beard: The last resort.

I'm going to insult something and then try it because I'm a good friend.


Hey, doing the right thing is never the wrong thing.

Does everyone agree that being winless for eight straight draws "ain't broke?"


Roy Kent, you f**king legend!


Nate: We don't want calm athletes. We want killer athletes.
Beard: Even after they shower?

Uh, easy Phillip. I'm not just a loser, I'm the loser.


It's funny to think about the things in your life that can make you cry just knowing that they existed, can then become the same thing that make you cry knowing that they're now gone. I think those things come into our lives to help us get from one place to a better one. And I hope we helped Earl do just that.

Football is death!


Ted Lasso Quotes

Hey, takin' on a challenge is a lot like ridin' a horse. If you're comfortable while you're doin' it, you're probably doin' it wrong.


George: I love what you done with the place. Did you do it yourself, or did you get some pouf to help ya?
Rebecca: I could ask the same of your hair.