Logan: I was supposed to go to camp. My Dad’s cheating, and my Mom’s drinking screwed it up. But the important thing is they both love me, and that will never change.
Mark: Oh, so you’re a kid whose family broke up. What a unique and special tale.

See, we hate each other, but we’re having fun.


I do think that your Mom always means well when she’s destroying lives.


For the first time, I can see other things in my future, and I’m excited about that.


I have a lot to contribute to abnormal psychology. Everyone in class realized that they were dating someone from one of the chapters. I’m old. I’ve dated like all the chapters.


Darlene: If you wanted to play Daddy, you should have married me.
Ben: Yes, my mistake. I could have had those sweet tones in my ear every morning before I opened the door and ran screaming into traffic.
Darlene: Well, there’s the door. You don’t want to miss rush hour.

Louise: These things are starting to freak me out. What is going on?
Dan: It’s nice in here. I want you to join me. In the real world, we have a hole in the roof, and I can’t afford to take my wife on a honeymoon. You deserve better.
Louise: Well, of course, I do, but I don’t need to go to fancy places with you. I have fun with you wherever we go.

Harris: Aldo has a Chinese dragon tattoo that starts on his thigh…
Aldo: And it works its way all the way around my…
Darlene: It’s okay. I don’t need to know where the dragon goes.

Emilio: I am only attracted to beautiful, smart women.
Becky: Should you really be flirting with your wife when you’ve got a girlfriend at home?

Even though our marriage is a sham, he’s still crazy in love with me. It must be awful to be close to someone this hot and not be able to have her.


Okay, so this is the part in the horror movie where I know something is horribly wrong, but nobody else gets it.


The wedding is tomorrow, and the bridesmaids' dresses aren't even here yet. The florist says that they're out of baby's breath, and he's going to replace it with eucalyptus, which is going to make the entire church smell like cough medicine. And after our ceremony, there's a funeral. So there is going to be a casket off to the side reminding us that as we start our new lives together, someone's going the other way.


The Conners Quotes

Mark: It's been three weeks since Grannie Rosie's funeral, why are people still giving us casseroles?
Harris: And why do people bring casseroles when somebody dies?

Jackie: What was this, tuna casserole or potato salad?
Darlene: It doesn't matter. It's just stuff and mayonnaise.