Molly: You’re 44 years old. How much longer are you going to wait to enjoy your life?
Darlene: I didn’t know it was an option.

Molly: What are you doing now? Last I remember, you were working at the Lunch Box.
Jackie: Still am.
Molly: Oh, are you married?
Jackie: Nope.
Molly: Do you still have that mom you were always fighting with?
Jackie: Let’s cut to the chase. Nothing’s changed. 27 years. Zippo.

When I was having dinner with Mickey, I was so impressed by the me I made up for him, I want to be just like her.


Whoa, this has gotten way out of control. We do not throw people out, we just take people in.


Why are you trying to better your life with my boyfriend? Hasn’t worked for me, not going to work for you.


Just because you ran your businesses into the ground doesn’t mean that I have to make it right for you.


Dan: I’m 68. I’m not going to have time to spend 10 years waiting for a promotion.
Ben: Well, I am sorry you’re old but that doesn’t mean I have to give you a piece of the business my father gave me.

I will see you before midnight. That’s when my magic carriage turns into a pickup with expired tags.


Successful people like being around failures. Think about how you feel being around DJ.


I've had the rug yanked out from under me before, and I don't know if I can go through that again.


Ain't that much to talk about. My girlfriend's got Covid. My daughter might have given it to her. It's like a damned reality show.


Neville: Just because I chased after you to go out with me doesn't mean I'll do anything. I can't do things out of fear that saying no to you will make you leave me.
Jackie: I wasn't going to leave you. I didn't even know you felt like this.
Neville: Well, I do.
Jackie: I guess I'm just not used to having the power in a relationship.
Neville: Well, you did, but you don't anymore. We're equals, and if you can't accept that, I'm out.

The Conners Season 3 Quotes

I remember visiting you guys at work and watching you robotically doing the same job over and over and thinking, “Wow, it must really suck to be an adult.” And it does.


Mark: Can you smell this?
Darlene: I don’t want to smell it. It’s bad enough I have to eat it.