Diane: Oh, who is representing you?
Kovac: Me, just me.
Diane: How about I represent you.
Kovac: Why would you do that?
Marissa: Yeah, why?
Diane: Well, it sounds like an injustice was done to this woman, but for her to blame a lawyer of your stature, it just seems like a further injustice.

Marissa: I’m bored. I want to be entertained.
Caleb: You want me to sing to you?
Marissa: No, tell me a joke.
Caleb: Man walks into a zoo. The only animal in the entire zoo is a dog. It’s a Shih Tzu. Want me to explain it to you?
Marissa: No, I get it. I’m just not laughing.

Diane: You screwed up Mr. Canning.
Canning: Ms. Lockhart, hello. How did I screw up?
Diane: You thought you were going up against some small pro bono defendant, but I’ve been bankrolled by STR Laurie to go after cases that interest me, and this one really interests me.
Canning: You seem angry Diane.
Diane: See you in court.

Edie: You didn’t raise your hand. We need everyone to participate.
Jay: I don’t know Marcus. Maybe he really likes watermelon. Maybe Tim was correct in his commentary.
Edie: Marcus does not eat watermelon.
Jay: Then Tim is a racist.

Yes, it’s a violent word with a violent history, but black people reckon with it every day. It’s our word. If we use it, if we don’t use it, when we use it, where we use it, you don’t get to have an opinion. Autonomy over that word is our reparation.


Adrian: HR called Vernon Jordan investigating me for the capital crime of using the n-word.
Firth: Well, unfortunately, I can’t stand in the way of an HR investigation.
Adrian: Oh, this is a bullshit investigation.
Firth: It’s not a bullshit investigation. It is our standard to thoroughly explore any legitimate employee complaint.
Adrian: This is not legitimate. Now, I understand you need to cover your ass, but you and I both know this is far from legitimate.
Firth: Well, what I know is you are aware of the rules. You didn’t sign your contract that long away. STR Laurie and all its divisions has a zero tolerance policy for offensive language and harassment at work.
Adrian: Harassment, wow, wow, it’s growing now.
Firth: I got into it with Human Resources, and they think that the best course of action now is for everyone at Reddick Boseman to take a class on sensitivity in the workplace, and we’d prefer if you didn’t use that word again at the office.
Adrian: You prefer?
Firth: Adrian, considering the charged nature of that word, it would be best.
Adrian: You don’t dictate what words I get to use or when.

Caleb: You sound different. What’s wrong?
Marissa: Nothing, I’m just… Upstairs has asked me to look into something
Caleb: Upstairs?
Marissa: Not your upstairs, my upstairs.
Caleb: What is it?
Marissa: I’ve been told not to tell anyone. Don’t you want to know?
Caleb: No, you were told not to tell. Don’t tell.
Marissa: But maybe I want to tell you.
Caleb: Why?
Marissa: You’re right. I’ll just tell you. You do whatever you want with it. We charged the DNC as a pro bono client in order to keep the money from STR Laurie.
Caleb: Do you want me to tell upstairs?
Marissa: No, I want you to do what you want.
Caleb: OK, then I will.

Diane: What is Memo 618?
Canning: Objection, Your Honor.
Charlotte: Counsellor, you are done.
Diane: Why? I’m just asking what Memo 618 is. That’s all.
Charlotte: It is not relevant to this case.
Diane: Well, the last time a judge was faced with Memo 618, my case disappeared, and I see you were just handed a document with Memo 618 on it, and that’s why it’s relevant.
Charlotte: Counsellor you are in contempt.
Diane: Why? If Memo 618 means nothing, why should I be held in contempt?
Charlotte: Court is adjourned.
Diane: Until when?
Charlotte: Until I fucking decide.

Lucca: They need you upstairs in the conference room?
Marissa: Us, why?
Lucca: Diversity.

Marissa: Are you from upstairs?
Caleb: I am.
Marissa: Then why are you working here?
Caleb: They asked me to.
Marissa: Why did they ask you to?
Caleb: I think to spy on you.
Marissa: That’s not a great way to spy to say you’re spying.
Caleb: I know, I’m not very good at it.

Marissa: Hard at work?
Caleb: This may look easy, but it’s not. You try peeling a rutabaga.
Marissa: That’s the game? You just peel a rutabaga?
Caleb: Just, seriously? I feel judged?
Marissa: I didn’t mean to disparage your vegetable peeling skills. I’m sure they’ll come in handy at many law firms.
Caleb: Also, it’s a fruit, and it’s kind of soothing.
Marissa: Do you need to be soothed?
Caleb: That’s a very personal question.

Diane: I went to Julius about the missing Tecates injunction, and he told me if I wanted to know where it went to ask Adrian’s girlfriend.
Adrian: What?
Diane: He said ask your girlfriend. So let me ask, ‘Who is your girlfriend, and why does she know about my disappearing case?’
Adrian: Julius. He’s probably saying something to pass the buck.
Diane: What buck? What is going on? Why do I feel like I’m hearing passwords in a secret society?
Adrian: There’s no secret society, Diane. I’m in a relationship with a judge. Now, it is not improper, and there is certainly no ex parte conversations. I just don’t like my private life being made public. And you know information is power, and you lose information to other people, and you give them all the power over you.

The Good Fight Quotes

Bad things happen to good people.


Maia: Are we on the right side on this one?
Diane: We're on a necessary side. People I thought with all my heart were guilty turned out to be innocent and people I thought were saints, they weren't. That's why you don't go on instinct. You wait, you listen and watch. Eventually everyone reveals himself.