Whales: What is the purpose of this distraction?
Eliot: With whom are we speaking?
Whales: We are the whales.
Eliot: Like all of them?
Whales: Of course.
Eliot: Why do you speak through a TV?
Whales: Why do you? What is the nature of your query?
Eliot: OK, I don’t really know how to explain this. OK, so you probably don’t know this but we are in a time loop.
Whales: We are aware of the disturbance.
Eliot: Oh, huh, whales grok time loops. So do you happen to remember if a woman named Margo came to see you? Brilliant, about yea high, maybe a little brusque.
Whales: A contemptuous creature. We were compelled to wash away her temporal immunity.
Eliot: You took her permanence off.
Whales: Her manner was appalling.
Eliot: That ... does sound like Margo.

Julia: OK, so we need time magic.
Penny: I know a horomancer who builds machines. Maybe he has something.
Margo: Fantastic. Vamanos.
Penny: One problem: I kinda let his mom die last time I saw him. Oh, come on, like you guys are all saints.

Margo: Here, this is Penny’s address.
Eliot: Margo, what are you doing?
Margo: Shhh. Favorite coffee shop, hipster club where we suspect he DJs on the weekend, and it’s you lucky day: His traveling’s borked, so he’s a sitting duck in a scarf.
Eliot: Margo, we can’t just kill Penny.
Margo: We don’t. He dies anyway along with everyone. This is basic trolley problem shit. Ovary up.

Eliot: We’re seeing this wrong. We’re missing something. Maybe we need to take a step back, start thinking outside the box.
Margo: What do you suggest?
Eliot: Remember Professor Soto?
Margo: The one with the pants.
Eliot: Yeah, he had that ridiculous test everyone thought was impossible.
Margo: That we solved because we rule.
Eliot: Solved how?
Margo: You want me to remember a solution I came up with at rager doing upside-down shots in a fur bikini?
Eliot: You say rager, I say problem-solving session. That’s how we do. We put our minds on something different. We catch the solution out of the corner of our eye.
Margo: Is this actually a plan or do you want to blow off steam?
Eliot: Two birds Bambi. Besides, we’re stuck in a game that keeps hitting reset. Infinite time, zero consequences, just you and me saving the world through unbridled hedonism.

Margo: I was happy to give you space to tell your Monster secrets in your own time, but we’re stuck in the Jean-Paul Sartre bullshit, you get worse fast.
Eliot: I told you this isn’t important right now.
Margo: Whatever it is you remember, it’s not your fault, OK.
Eliot: Can we just stop the moon first please?
Margo: Not if your liver falls out of your twat first. Let’s talk about it.
Eliot: No.
Margo: Seems like we have to. It’s me. Don’t be a coward.
Eliot: Stop. It’s still in me, OK. I am seeing what I am seeing. Some piece of it must have held on.
Margo: The Monster’s gone. I exorcised it and Q threw it into the Seam. The only thing here is you medicating instead of facing your memories and feelings, and I empathize, I do, but I think you’re forgetting you can tell me anything.
Eliot: I just told you, and you didn’t believe me.

Together: We’re in a time loop.
Eliot: Excuse us while we briefly sidebar.
Margo: Why exactly is this happening?
Eliot: ‘Why is anything,’ he asked, still freaked because the last thing he remembers is all of earth ending. It felt so inevitable.
Margo: I know.
Eliot: But why us, now? Time loop?
Margo: Of course, we’re the chosen ones. We’re us.

Alice: It may not be enough.
Julia: Well, we make it enough. Today, we are saving the world, and this time, it’s gonna stick.
Kady: Damn right we are.

Kady: Sometimes I forget you’re a master fucking magician.
Zelda: I try to keep the showboating to a minimum.

Margo: You’re not right El, and we both know why.
Eliot: My crippling fear of / attraction to authority?
Margo: Are you being honest with me?
Eliot: Bambi, always.
Margo: I don’t care if you’ve been keeping it from me, but all our asses are on the line now.
Eliot: Margo, do not worry about me. I know I’ve been a little bit off; blame it on the moonbrain. I promise I’m fine.

Margo: Josh, I haven’t had short-term memory in two days. The only things I remember are being worried about Eliot and feeling like shit for trying to leave you in the past.
Josh: Really?
Margo: Fucking moonbrain. Totally spaced out.

Julia: Did you put the guards to sleep?
Marina: Yeah, but I’m a little confused why you aren’t snoozing too. The only thing stronger than that spell is … Oh my god, are you on meth?
Alice: You know it sure as hell seems like it.

Natasha: Who the hell are you?
Julia: We’re looking for Mayakovsky.
Natasha: Old, drunk, megalomaniac, fondness for knit caps? Yeah, I’m his daughter.
Alice: Oh, I didn’t realize he …
Natasha: Fucked my mother? Neither did he. Should have seen his face when I came knocking.

The Magicians Quotes

Dean: Snuck a box of Oreos.
Quentin: Magicians can't eat Oreos?
Dean: Diabetics can't eat Oreos.

I can't just go to Yale if I know this place exists.
