Penny: Welcome to introductory psychic translocation. My name is Professor Adiyodi. I see you have your Umar, Kominsky, Aurora. See, I always thought books would help, but, the only problem is books make you think you can do something that you shouldn’t. Anyone hearing other people’s thoughts yet? Cool, you’re going to want to get some psychic wards to block that shit out right now. The truth: Being a traveler is a curse. Best case scenario, you end up a taxi service for your friends. Worst case, you dream about volcanoes, and then you wake up in one. What?
Student: Yeah, are you actually going to teach us something or are you going to keep trying to scare us?
Penny: Look, man, I’m trying to be real with you. You should be scared. I mean have you even actually traveled? Anyone? OK seriously, get an anti-traveling tattoo, and just go. Enjoy your life because it’ll be a hell of a lot longer than if you stick around with this shit. End of class. Peace.

Penny: Julia, you ready? Wow, wow, you look …
Julia: Overdressed.
Penny: Great.
Julia: I thought you said this was a date.
Penny: I said I was taking you out and to dress appropriately.
Julia: That means dress up. You totally told me to dress up.
Penny: I should have been more specific.
Julia: Good. Glad to hear you accept the blame.

Fogg: Ah, god damn it. Shit. My apologies.
Julia: Dean Fogg?
Fogg: I was waiting for the right moment to interject, and well, that never came.
Penny: Are you drunk?
Fogg: No, and I’m sorry about the scotch. I was smelling it.

Penny: Jesus Christ, what happened here?
Fogg: Everett drank a reservoir of magic and exploded. It had to go somewhere. Too much magic means too many people with potential are discovering their gift. Lately, more people have been able to pass than we can handle and now look at this place. It might as well be a god damn state school. Overcrowded, discipline problems. Did you know someone stole the school’s supply of living clay? Now, of course, thanks to the surges, some of them have blown themselves up, which isn’t very good for morale, but yes, it helps with the god damn over enrollment.

Eliot: To our pretty corpses.
Margo: God damn gorgeous corpses. I’d fuck our corpses. What are we doing here, Eliot?
Eliot: We’re despairing in style, as befits two former High Kings of Fillory.

Always gotta be a fucking twist.


You know what I wanted to do with my life? To be? Penny's goddamned girlfriend. I acted tough but all I wanted was him.


Adorable. So determined. Maybe I'll keep you as pets!

Monster's Sister

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'll do anything when I love you.

Kady: Look, I know you're not evil. Just the definition of obedience.
Zelda: I used to be.
Kady: Prove it.

Yea, thanks. And by thanks I mean, thank you for deciding that I should age, grow old, and probably die from a paper cut. Oh yea, and that I'll never get to do magic again. Because I'm perfect now! Did Professor Lipson tell you? I'm perfectly normal, and we all know magic doesn't come from normal so thank you for deciding that without me.


The fuck did they do to my castle?


The Magicians Quotes

Dean: Snuck a box of Oreos.
Quentin: Magicians can't eat Oreos?
Dean: Diabetics can't eat Oreos.

I can't just go to Yale if I know this place exists.
