Penny: I need to know everything you went through. When did you start hearing voices?
Neela: About three months into the pregnancy. At first they thought it was a chemical imbalance, but after you were born I started to get worse. They said the stress of parenting brought on a latent psychological disorder, probably one I’d inherited. The first time I had to send you away… I hear myself say that and I still can’t believe I did it. I am so sorry.
Penny: Mom, I’m OK. I need you to tell me everything you can.
Neela: The voices went away when you did, and when you came back so did they. Every time you came back, there was less and less of the little boy.
Penny: Mom, this isn’t about me.
Neela: I wanted so much to raise you, love you, protect you, but what you needed protection from was me. What?
Penny: Mom?
Neela: I’m sorry. Someone’s calling me. What is it? What do you need?
Penny: Mom, there’s no one calling you.
Neela: Of course there is. It must be one of my patients. There’s more of them. You don’t hear them? They’re screaming.
Penny: I don’t.
Neela: Oh no, no, no, no, not again. Please stop.

Fogg 17: Let me guess, camouflage potion? Liquid explosive? Ah, good old chloroform? Ah, goddamn scotch, but not just any scotch: Isabella’s Islay single malt. Goddamn it, who knew you had taste.
Kady: Wait no, I need that.
Fogg 17: Are you a drunk now? Well congratulations. Let me help you get back on the wagon. Now, what don’t you save us all some trouble, and tell me where the rest of your colleagues are. Goddamn it, what did you put in this?
Kady: A pharmaceutical I bought off a very helpful bartender. Street name, Archie.
Josh: What just happened?
Kady: I just sent him on a trip to the etheric realm where rules prevent Henry Fogg from leaving. Here’s hoping they’re too high to notice there’s a new one.

Margo: Fen, where the fuck is the seed?
Josh: Why are you running so weird?
Fen: The seed is somewhere warm, very humid, even moist.
Josh: Oh, whoa.

George: Thank you Henry.
Fogg 17: George, my pleasure.
Paloma: On our new world, you can have your own island.
Fogg 17: No, I want my own goddamn country.
Paloma: Fine.

Penny: I spent my whole life thinking my mom was a basket case. You’re telling me she’s fine.
Julia: She was fine with me. We need to see how she is with you. Look, I won’t pretend I can even imagine what this is like for you, but you won’t be alone.

Eliot: Alice, whatever it is, whatever you’re feeling, you can…you can just tell me.
Alice: I just can’t stop thinking about what he did to me. I was so useless, so stupid.

Fen: The first thing you have to do is explain why you want to build a new world.
George: To you?
Fen: To the seed. It’s alive, and in order to grow, it needs to know exactly what you want and why. The seed will know if you lie and refuse to grow.
Paloma: We’ve made powerful enemies here on earth, and one cursed us, making us…
George: Unable to have children. But on a new world, beyond the reach of our enemies, we hope to have a family.
Fen: Uh OK. I have to admit that’s not a motive I could have guessed, but do you really think you’d make the best parents?

Eliot: You want to get that, or…
Ember: Oh, it’s just a mouse farted something. A very gassy mouse.
Eliot: Umber.
Umber: It is I, an energetic emanation of Umber, great god of…
Ember: Piss off. Nobody wants you here.
Umber: I have heard your lamentations, and I am here to help. I was designed to intervene if my anarchist brother tries something stupid like blowing up the planet.

Hyman: Oh, this is incredible. I love fingering things.
Penny: OK, how about a few being alive in the 21st century ground rules. First of all, you can’t act like a fucking pervert anymore. Even white dudes can’t get away with that shit -- most of the time. People can see you and hear you…
Julia: And smell you. Sorry, pregnancy nose.
Penny: No, ground rules Hyman.

Hyman: Remind me, you are…
Fen: Fen.
Hyman: Fen?
Fen: Eliot’s wife. Fillory girl.
Hyman: Oh, of course, Fillory girl. You’re the one who loves forks.

Julia: It’s just terrifying, you know? What is Lipson does the tests, and it’s bad news? You know, right now everything is good, and the thought of losing any of that is just…
Penny: Julia, it’s not the baby I’m freaking out about it. Look, I told you how my dad left, but what I didn’t tell you -- what I haven’t told anyone -- is around that time, my mom started having episodes, getting disoriented, hearing shit that wasn’t there. The doctors thought it was the stress from my dad bailing on us, but…
Julia: You think it’s because of you.
Penny: What’s happening to you looks just like what’s happening to my mom. The episodes didn’t stop when I was born; they got worse. When she burned down our apartment, it was the first time I got thrown into foster care. She’d fight to get me back, and then she’d get sick again. Eventually, the state took me in for good, and I was scared, but I was more scared of my mom. I fucked her up for life.
Julia: I’m so sorry.
Penny: I don’t want what happened to her to happen to you.
Julia: OK, I get it. I’ll do it -- the scans, the treatments -- but you have to know it won’t be like what happened to your mom. We know about magic. We have ways to deal with it.
Penny: And I won’t put you in a cage.

Sir Effingham: Oh my heavens, you have embraced the blessing of your sex, but surely you have misplaced your wedding band. You are widowed then?
Julia: No.
Sir Effingham: Oh you poor dear, you are carrying a bastard.
Julia: Definitely talking to one. I thought you chose Todd for this quest.
Sir Effingham: I fear he is not the intrepid hero I once thought him to be.
Julia: You don’t say?

The Magicians Quotes

Dean: Snuck a box of Oreos.
Quentin: Magicians can't eat Oreos?
Dean: Diabetics can't eat Oreos.

I can't just go to Yale if I know this place exists.
