Please, son. Whatever happens to me, I want you to go with Mina. Be happy. Live your life, this is important. You deserve joy.

Mrs. Austin

Bell: You know you've come a long way since our first surgery together.
Mina: Serously? Not you too.
Bell: I know I was never your mentor, more like your tormentor, so I don't have a right to be proud, but I am. I'm going to miss working with you.
Mina: You also showed me what not to do.

Rose: I don't know what's going on with you, but if there's a light at the end of my tunnel, there's a light at the end of yours too.
Cain: And what if there is no light? I just have to face the facts, own up to the truth that I'm not who I once was.
Rose: You're more than just a surgeon.
Cain: Am I?

The biopsy confirmed it. Your mother has Stage 4 Lung cancer.


AJ: You can say the words out loud. My mother has a tumor in her lung.
Mina: AJ, I'm so sorry.
AJ: How could I have not seen this?

Nic: You know I was thinking about the time we first met --
Mina: No, no, no. Don't do that. I'm not dead. People move away all of the time. This is not a Hallmark moment, no need to get sentimental.

Mina: Do you regret this?
AJ: What?
Mina: Moving to Nigeria with me?
AJ: Listen to me. I regret nothing.

Devon: You know I won't get Rose involved in something I don't 100% believe in, right?
Conrad: Of course, I do. I trust you. I just don't trust Big Pharma.

Mina: Your mother needs you in Atlanta by her side. You cannot come to Nigeria with me.
AJ: I know.
Mina: I wish things didn't have to be this way. I wish I didn't have to leave Chastain. Leave you. I would do anything to be with you through this. Maybe one day I could come back.
AJ: Yeah, maybe.

Conrad: We love you. We don't want you to forget us.
Mina:I won't ever forget you.

I love her mom. It doesn't mean I don't love you. You know I do, more than anything. But I'm going. I really want to.


I don't always say this. Actually, I never say this, but you are my family. And I love you, and I always will.


The Resident Quotes

She's schizophrenic. She needs to accept it. Please, don't fill her head with a bunch of a false hope.

Mrs. Ravenscroft

Bell: I know, I'm as upset as you are.
Devon: Not a chance. I saw it. I lived it. I'll never forget it.
Mina: Same day we save a mother and son, who by all rights should not have survived, a young healthy woman dies.