It's Homer before his boobs came in.


Awww, sweetie, sometimes a mysterious invisible being from hell waits for a family to go to sleep then kills them. Now, go to bed.


A black hole...(whispering) I'm sorry, can we call it that?


Come on, you can't look at that infinitely dense little guy and not want to feed it something.


Oh my God Particle!


Man, soccer's even boring for the ball.


Just once I'd like your father to be on a Jumbotron for something good.


You've learned a very valuable life lesson, boy, which is that love doesn't exist except briefly between a man and woman before marriage. After that it's just hanging out with someone who kinda hates you but you can't get it together to leave.


Bart: Come on, Dad, you love New York, now that your two least favorite buildings have been obliterated: Old Penn Station and Shea stadium.
Homer: Lousy out-dated relics.

If the late great Nora Ephron taught us anything,it's that - oh, what's my other inflatable doll doing here?!?


The Simpsons Season 24 Quotes

Bart: Come on, Dad, you love New York, now that your two least favorite buildings have been obliterated: Old Penn Station and Shea stadium.
Homer: Lousy out-dated relics.

If the late great Nora Ephron taught us anything,it's that - oh, what's my other inflatable doll doing here?!?
