Ubbe: First lesson is not to be afraid. So go and stand by the tree.
Alfred: Why? What are you going to do?
Ubbe: You asked me to teach you how to fight, and I can teach you the ways in which to fight with a sword and ax or a shield to stay alive. If you're afraid, then you're already dead.

Hvitserk: So tell me, what am I here for?
Seer: You will accomplish what others before you have failed to accomplish, but the cost will be too high.

Heahmund: So we are going to fight King Harald, and your own kind. How do you feel?
Lagertha: King Harald has always been my enemy.

Alfred: You must understand, and I think you do understand, that I've taken a huge personal risk to protect you. So I pray that none of you will betray me now.
Ubbe: I will not betray you. I will fight with you against King Harald.

I fear the Lord, but now, in this moment, I desire you more. You are so beautiful, so alive. I would go to Hell for you, Lagertha.


Floki: I have made a decision.
Eyvand: Your decisions are worthless, Floki! You are not king of this island! But I am lawgiver!
Floki: I said I would make you lawgiver, yes, if you didn't avenge your son. But you did.

Magnus: You have no idea how happy this makes me, after years of being lost.
Bjorn: Well now my brother, you are found.

Lagertha: I wish I could help.
Heahmund: Even now, the forces of Satan are gathering to strike. That is why you are here. To help me fight against the devil.

Ivar: I am not just descended from the gods. No, the fact is Hvitserk, Ivar the Boneless is a god.
Freydis: He is a god, and I am carrying his divine child.

Hvitserk: Just remember, I am also a son of Ragnar Lothbrok. The people of Kattegat don't love you, Ivar. What do you think they would do if you even touched a hair on my head?
Ivar: Well, just a thought, why don't you go back to England with King Harald?
Hvitserk: I belong here with you, Ivar. You know that. I chose your side, and now, for good or ill, you're stuck with me.

Alfred: There are important people here who do not want me to grant land to those who in the past have attacked and raided us.
Ubbe: So why would we fight for you when everything you say is just a lie?
Alfred: I am not lying. I am being more honest with you than you have any right to expect. You have thrown yourself upon my mercy, so do not presume anymore upon my charity. When I can, I will grant you that land.

Ivar is not kind to you. In the end, he will kill you. So the only choice my love is to kill him first. You are not a coward, are you?


Vikings Quotes

I wanted to step out of your shadow.
You understand that, don't you?


Who needs a reason for betrayal?
One must always think the worst Ragnar, even of your own kin.
That way, you avoid too much disappointment in life.
