I’ll take that as a “yas queen!”

Wynonna: Let’s blow this Bulshar stand.
Mercedes: Ew, don’t say “blow” and “Bulshar” in the same sentence.

The universe is hilarious. My best friend’s great-great-granddaughter is sleeping with her baby sister’s daddy.


Welcome to the Purgatory Yacht Club, bitch.


Oh look, it’s the world’s worst Sons of Anarchy cosplayers.

Nicole: Besides, I would be terrible at keeping Waverly anywhere. She can convince me to do anything.
Wynonna: Get a blazing phoenix tattoo all up your butt?

Waverly: This is bigger than you.
Wynonna: I’ll tell you what’s bigger than you — me!

The ring controls the arm! It's like playing Wii! I'm really good at Wii!


Maeve: You are Wyatt Earp’s boyfriend!
Doc: Yeah, fine.

Wynonna: I don't take notes from someone wearing an oven mitt.
Waverly: It's a precaution!
Wynonna: It’s fugly.

Kevin: You drink too much.
Wynonna: Mmhm.
Kevin: You couldn’t find your ass with a map.
Wynonna: Where is it?
Kevin: And you are literally our only hope.

Wynonna: And your name’s Kevin?
Kevin: Did I stutter?