He was glamoured, so he thinks he was bitten by a Caucasian tree rodent.


Dammit. That is a bigger tiny sword.

Jeremy: It's just a super-cazh BGD.
Robin: BGD?
Jeremy: Big gay dinner.

That’s exactly how my first Grindr date ended. …I’ve said too much.


Nicole: I think this would be a good time to tell you that I am a lesbian.
Wynonna: Oh, like you never went through an experimental phase!
Nicole: Not with gnomes!
wynonna: well, that’s very narrow-minded, nicole! love is love!

Rolf the revenant: As much as I love a feel-good ending, this ain't it. Any last words?
Wynonna: I miss Macaulay Culkin.
Nicole: Tell Waverly I love her!
Wynonna: Sure, make me look like an asshole.

You know what? You survived some shit, and I cannot wait for your TED talk, but get back to me when you're cursed.

Rolf the revenant: I feel good. I feel strong.
Nicole: I feel college.

We go in and we find tweedle-dee, tweedle-douche, we bring them out, 5 minutes tops, we get the keys, she’ll never notice, we’re good to go. Let’s go!

Nicole: You have no police training, you’re terrible with authority, you’re not even qualified to run a Chipotle!
Wynonna: Guaca-cuse me?

Wynonna: Are we going to finally see your sex cave?
Nedley: Well, it’s more of a closet.

Nicole: Push with your legs!
Wynonna: Shut up with your mouth!