These zoomy, skypy type meetings, they’re hard enough as it is. But now? I can’t freestyle my way through with all those faces looking at me. I feel like I’m being tried for a crime in a dystopian future.


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Lisa, Danny
Still Up Season 1 Episode 4: "The Sleep Clinic"
Still Up
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Still Up Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Veggie: I’ll miss you.
Lisa: Of course you will because I’m amazing.

Veggie: When I want to relax, I just shut my eyes and imagine I’m in a nice, hot bath.
Lisa: I hate baths. You just lie there in your own filth like a hippo.
Veggie: That’s why every time I have a bath, I always have a shower afterward.
Lisa: That’s ridiculous. That’s just doubling the time it takes to wash. Why not just have a shower?
Veggie: Because I like having a bath and sitting in my filth like a hippo.
Lisa: No wonder there’s no hot water left for me in the morning.