Facing Their Fears - Charmed (2018)
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Macy tries to convince Harry to keep Dark Harry in the bottle.

The Charmed Ones go to Portland to find the man who kidnapped an innocent woman. They encounter a monster with demon powers who they are unable to defeat. 

The sisters bring the woman back to their lair where they discover the innocent woman is an Elder. Harry recognizes Elder Celeste and remembers she is the woman that turned Harry into a whitelighter.

Celeste says she created whitelighters to protect witches after the Salem Witch Trials. She tells the sisters she created a how-to guide for transferring magic into dead bodies. She attempts to help the sisters get the Power of Three back, but they decline. She puts the Charmed Ones under a deep sleep.

Macy is surprised to find Harry with this family. He has two children and is married to Abigael. Her sisters seem to have no memory of Celeste. Macy realizes what she's seeing is a hallucination. She attempts to stab Abigael, but stabs Maggie by mistake. 

Meanwhile, Maggie has hallucinations of her own in a different alternate reality. Maggie sees herself as a child, and Jordan abandons Maggie. Maggie watches a monster kill Mel. 

Celeste is concerned the girls aren't awake yet. She tells Harry if they all die in the dream, they won't wake up. Harry forces Celeste to let her in the girl's dreams.

In Mel's nightmare, she is locked in a psych ward. Jordan tries to kill the sisters. Harry sacrifices himself to save Macy, and the sisters all wake up.

The Charmed Ones return to Portland and attempt to fight the monster. They face their fears and the Power of Three returns. They use the Power of Three to defeat the monster.

Celeste tells the sisters that humans are the greatest threat to magic. She says if the humans claim magic for themselves, it could mean the end for everyone. 



Charmed (2018)
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Charmed (2018) Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

You know what is funny? No matter what the reality, you are always the devil.


It's not about how we die, it's about how we live. This is our destiny.
